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Es wurden 544 Ergebnisse gefunden.

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  1. Sobre a identidade literária austríaca On Austrian literary identity

    Starting from the assertion that there is a separate Austrian Literary Identity (which does not want to be seen as part of German literature, but in opposition to it), the article presents arguments and examples which support this claim. Partindo da... mehr


    Starting from the assertion that there is a separate Austrian Literary Identity (which does not want to be seen as part of German literature, but in opposition to it), the article presents arguments and examples which support this claim. Partindo da premissa de que existe uma identidade literária austríaca (que não se entende como parte da literatura alemã, mas que pretende se diferenciar dela), o artigo apresenta argumentos e exemplos que sustentam a referida argumentação. Ausgehend von der Behauptung, dass es eine eigene österreichische Literaturidentität gibt (die nicht als Teil der deutschen Literatur gesehen wird, sondern sich teilweise klar von dieser abgrenzen will), werden Argumente und Beispiele angeführt, die diese Behauptung stützen.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Österreichische Literatur; Deutsche Literatur



  2. Georg Trakl : um romântico em tempo de guerra Georg Trakl : a romantic in wartime

    This paper seeks to indicate that the presence of the First World War in the poetry of Georg Trakl is inextricably entangled with his dark worldview, in which man is seen as an unavoidably misfortunate being. If on the one hand a romantic longing for... mehr


    This paper seeks to indicate that the presence of the First World War in the poetry of Georg Trakl is inextricably entangled with his dark worldview, in which man is seen as an unavoidably misfortunate being. If on the one hand a romantic longing for purity, beauty, and goodness remains in this poetry, on the other hand such longing is continually refuted by menacing images of the evil inherent in the world – among which the images of the Great War impose themselves perhaps as the most terrifying. In order to show the mentioned connection, we shall first explore the experience of the prevalence of evil in the poem "De Profundis" (De Profundis), written before the outbreak of the War, and secondly we shall analyze that experience in the poems "Grodek" (Grodek) and "Lament" (Klage), in which it is directly related to the War. Propomos neste texto indicar que a presença da Primeira Guerra na poesia de Georg Trakl vincula-se de modo inextricável à sua concepção sombria do mundo, em que o homem surge como um ser incontornavelmente desgraçado. Se nessa poesia resiste um romântico desejo de pureza, beleza e bondade, tal aspiração é continuamente refutada por imagens ameaçadoras do mal inerente ao mundo, dentre as quais as da Guerra talvez se imponham como as mais aterradoras. A fim de evidenciar esse vínculo, buscaremos primeiramente explicitar a experiência de prevalecimento do mal no poema "De Profundis" (De Profundis), escrito antes da Guerra, para em seguida analisar essa experiência nos poemas "Grodek" (Grodek) e "Lamento" (Klage), em que está diretamente associada a ela.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Trakl, Georg; Klage; Grodek; De profundis; Krieg <Motiv>; Melancholie <Motiv>



  3. Caracterização : a obra de arte crítico-literária Charakteristik : the masterpiece of literary criticism

    Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) regarded the "Charakteristik" as a masterpiece of literary criticism in which both the extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of the literary work should be taken into consideration and understood as an unity.... mehr


    Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) regarded the "Charakteristik" as a masterpiece of literary criticism in which both the extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of the literary work should be taken into consideration and understood as an unity. According to this theory, the task of literary criticism was to reveal the tendency and the ideal of the work of literature through the observation and understanding of several aspects which belonged either to the letter or to the spirit of the work, or that might even transit between these two realms. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and to discuss some aspects of Schlegels Philosophy of Characterization, as it is exposed in his "Fragmente zur Poesie und Literatur", the "Literary Notebooks", (1793-1803), and to demonstrate how the German critic concretized his theory in his "Meister-Aufsatz", the "Characterization of Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship", from 1798. Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) compreendia a "Charakteristik" como uma obra de arte da crítica literária, na qual tanto os aspectos extrínsecos quanto os intrínsecos deveriam ser levados em consideração e compreendidos como uma unidade. De acordo com essa teoria, a tarefa do crítico de literatura era revelar a tendência e o ideal da obra literária através da observação e compreensão de certos aspectos que pertenceriam tanto à letra quanto ao espírito da obra, ou que poderiam transitar entre esses dois âmbitos. O intuito principal desse artigo é introduzir e discutir alguns aspectos da "Filosofia da caracterização" de Schlegel, exposta em seus "Fragmente zur Poesie und Literatur", os "Fragmentos sobre poesia e literatura" (1793-1803), e demonstrar como o crítico alemão concretizou sua teoria no "Meister-Aufsatz", o "Ensaio sobre os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meister", de Johann Wolfgang Goethe, de 1798.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Schlagworte: Schlegel, Friedrich von; Literaturkritik; Geschichtsphilosophie



  4. A imagem da Ásia em "Der gelbe Bleistift", de Christian Kracht The image of Asia in C. Kracht's Der gelbe Bleistift

    In the XIX century, occurs a significant increase in the trips, especially due to the innovation in technology of the means of transportation. That development is followed by the production and by the consumption of literature related to the theme.... mehr


    In the XIX century, occurs a significant increase in the trips, especially due to the innovation in technology of the means of transportation. That development is followed by the production and by the consumption of literature related to the theme. Likewise in the contemporary literature the travelogues are recurring. The present article aims to approach the reports and stories that compose "Der gelbe Bleistift" ("The yellow pencil"), by the swiss author Christian Kracht, making a counterpoint with the travel literature of the XIX century. Among the centuries travel literature didn't lose it's fascination, contributing to enlarge the horizons of the readers, but also to question their own values under a perspective of a detached look of their own reality. No século XIX, ocorre um significativo aumento nas viagens, especialmente devido à inovação na tecnologia dos meios de transporte. Esse desenvolvimento é acompanhado pela produção e pelo consumo de literatura relacionada ao tema. Igualmente na literatura contemporânea os relatos de viagens são recorrentes. O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar as reportagens e os relatos que compõem "Der gelbe Bleistift" ("O lápis amarelo"), do autor suíço Christian Kracht, fazendo um contraponto com a literatura de viagem do século XIX. A literatura de viagem ao longo dos séculos não perdeu seu fascínio, contribuindo para ampliar os horizontes dos leitores, mas também para que eles questionem seus próprios valores sob a perspectiva de um olhar distanciado de sua realidade.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Reiseliteratur; Erzähler <Motiv>; Intertextualität; Kracht, Christian



  5. A rede polissêmica da preposição alemã "über" : principais ocorrências de uma análise com base na semântica cognitiva The polysemic network of the German preposition "über" : main occurrences from an analysis based on cognitive semantics

    In this article, we present a study on the polysemic network of the German preposition "über". Such study is the outcome of our master's dissertation research in which we are theoretically grounded on cognitive linguistics, particularly on studies of... mehr


    In this article, we present a study on the polysemic network of the German preposition "über". Such study is the outcome of our master's dissertation research in which we are theoretically grounded on cognitive linguistics, particularly on studies of polysemy based on cognitive semantics. In order to set the polysemic semantic network, we used the model of Principled Polysemy presented by Andrea Tyler and Vyvyan Evans in the book "The semantics of English prepositions - spatial scenes, embodied meaning and cognition" (2003) and adapted it for the analysis of the preposition "über". In this article we will show the most productive meanings for such preposition. No presente artigo, apresentamos a rede polissêmica da preposição alemã "über", que é resultante da pesquisa produzida para a dissertação de mestrado. Como base teórica, fizemos uso dos preceitos da linguística cognitiva, mais especificamente dos estudos de polissemia que se baseiam na semântica cognitiva. Para definir a rede semântica polissêmica, utilizamos o modelo de Polissemia Sistemática apresentado por Andrea Tyler e Vyvyan Evans na obra "The semantics of English prepositions – spatial scenes, embodied meaning and cognition" (2003) e o adaptamos para a análise da preposição "über". Neste artigo, exporemos os significados mais produtivos para esta preposição. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird das polyseme Netz der deutschen Präposition "über" präsentiert, Ergebnis der Forschung für die Masterarbeit. Die theoretische Grundlage beruht auf den Prinzipien der kognitiven Linguistik, genauer gesagt, der Polysemieforschung, die wiederum auf der kognitiven Semantik basiert. Um das semantische polyseme Netz auszuarbeiten, wurde das Modell der systematischen Polysemie benutzt, das die Forscher Andrea Tyler und Vyvyan Evans in dem Buch "The semantics of English prepositions - spatial scenes, embodied meaning and cognition" (2003) vorgestellt haben. Das Modell wurde der Analyse von "über" angepasst. In diesem Artikel werden wir die produktivsten Bedeutungen für diese Präposition darstellen.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)
    Schlagworte: Kognitive Linguistik; Kognitive Semantik; Polysemie

