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  1. Rettung der Toten vor dem Vergessen : über Historisierung und Humanitarismus
    Erschienen: 01.03.2022

    This article explores some of the moral meanings vested in the concept of historicization. With the help of a discussion of Jules Michelet's notions about the "duty of the historian" - to rescue the dead from oblivion - it becomes possible to flesh... mehr


    This article explores some of the moral meanings vested in the concept of historicization. With the help of a discussion of Jules Michelet's notions about the "duty of the historian" - to rescue the dead from oblivion - it becomes possible to flesh out these moral meanings and to insert them into a series of historical contexts. These contexts comprise the cultural history of humanitarian morality in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; and the intellectual and cultural histories of ideas of immortality, memory, forgetting, and the valorization of the human life. The resulting meaning of historicization is that of a humanitarianism for the dead, with all the ambiguities this position entails.


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  2. Embarkation for Abdera : historicization in Nietzsche's "Second Untimely Meditation"
    Erschienen: 30.11.2022

    This article develops a novel reading of the threefold division of modes of historicization in Nietzsche's "Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life". It argues that Nietzsche's stance is closely matched, and indirectly responds, to specific... mehr


    This article develops a novel reading of the threefold division of modes of historicization in Nietzsche's "Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life". It argues that Nietzsche's stance is closely matched, and indirectly responds, to specific features of the argument for progress in human history that Kant presents in "Conflict of the Faculties". Kant had hit upon interest, boredom, publicity, and forgetting as systematic problems for the philosophy of history, and Nietzsche's thought on history takes up these concerns. I argue that Nietzsche's reaction to these Kantian problems prompted him to subtly dissociate historicization and historicity. This manoeuver allowed him to counter the conceptual challenges Kant had established and to align his notions on history with those on ethical normativity in lived life, embracing what he elsewhere rejected as a “"moral ontology." Este artículo desarrolla una lectura novedosa de la triple división de los modos de historización en "Ventajas e inconvenientes de la historia para la vida" de Nietzsche. Se defiende que la postura de Nietzsche está estrechamente emparejada con las características específicas del argumento del progreso en la historia humana que Kant presenta en el "Conflicto de las Facultades" respondiendo indirectamente a ese escrito. Kant había señalado el interés, el aburrimiento, la publicidad y el olvido como problemas sistemáticos para la filosofía de la historia, y el pensamiento de Nietzsche sobre la historia retoma estas preocupaciones. Se sostiene que la reacción de Nietzsche a estos problemas kantianos le llevó a disociar sutilmente la historización de la historicidad. Esta maniobra le permitió replicar a los desafíos conceptuales que Kant había establecido y alinear sus nociones sobre la historia con las de la normatividad ética en la vida vivida, abrazando lo que en otros lugares rechazaba como una "ontología moral".


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