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  1. Home, dark home : décors aporétiques chez Borges et Mandiargues
    Erschienen: 06.11.2019

    An important motif of twentieth century fantastic literature is the exploration of a house or a room whose furniture and spatial organization are disconcerting. Such a motif is presumably symptomatic of a deep questioning on space structure... mehr


    An important motif of twentieth century fantastic literature is the exploration of a house or a room whose furniture and spatial organization are disconcerting. Such a motif is presumably symptomatic of a deep questioning on space structure understood according to Euclides and Newton ; it also echoes the anthropological crisis of the very notion of "place", a crisis mirrored in literature, visual arts and cinema, which can be deciphered in particular descriptive passages signaling the aporetic turn of narrative in fictions by J.-L. Borgès and André Pieyre de Mandiargues.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
  2. Die zum Schweigen Gebrachten sprechen : Unterwelt, Geschichte und Politik im mexikanischen Roman am Beispiel von Rulfo und Herrera
    Erschienen: 23.06.2020

    Der Beitrag unternimmt einen Vergleich zweier Romane, die inhaltlich, erzähltechnisch und sprachlich eng miteinander verknüpft sind, obwohl ihre Entstehungszeiten etwa 50 Jahre auseinander liegen: Juan Rulfos "Pedro Páramo" und Yuri Herreras "Señales... mehr


    Der Beitrag unternimmt einen Vergleich zweier Romane, die inhaltlich, erzähltechnisch und sprachlich eng miteinander verknüpft sind, obwohl ihre Entstehungszeiten etwa 50 Jahre auseinander liegen: Juan Rulfos "Pedro Páramo" und Yuri Herreras "Señales que precederán al fin del mundo". Beide Autoren lassen ihre Figuren aus einem Nicht-Ort oder einem "unsichtbaren Ort" (was die wörtliche Übersetzung von 'Hades' wäre) sprechen, aus dem Paradox des "Ich-bin-tot"-Sagens, und verweisen damit auf altmexikanische, altgriechische sowie mittelalterliche Unterweltreisen. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass von dort niemand zurückkehren kann, dennoch ist es einigen mythologische Figuren gelungen, die Grenze zwischen Leben und Tod gewissermaßen kurzzeitig außer Kraft zu setzen: Orpheus, Odysseus, Herakles, Aeneas, Dante, bei den Mayas sind es Junajpu und Xbalanq'e, die im Ballspiel die Herren Xibalbas, der Unterwelt der Maya, besiegen, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Die eigentlich unerlaubte Wiederkehr bzw. Rückkehr hängt eng mit der Schau einer Vergangenheit zusammen, die zentral ist für ein Verständnis der regionalen/nationalen Gegenwart. Den Romanen Rulfos und Herreras ist eine inszenierte Abwärtsbewegung gemeinsam, der schrittweise Abstieg in eine politische Vergangenheit, die die Gegenwart der Protagonist*innen verstehen helfen soll. Beide Romane verbinden damit auch eine Suche nach einem abwesenden Familienmitglied. Zudem greift Herrera auf die besondere Erzählweise Rulfos zurück, die sich erst aus einem Sprechen aus dem Tod ergeben kann.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Rulfo, Juan; Pedro Páramo; Katabasis; Unterwelt <Motiv>; Erzähltechnik; Geschichte; Politik



  3. "Doña Perfecta" : el traje de la autoridad y de la maternidad, la moda y el género en la novela naturalista española
    Erschienen: 18.11.2021

    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the... mehr


    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the development of capitalism during the nineteenth century in Europe a very different way of dressing was established for men and women, whose main trends came from France and England. Spain, which was economically and culturally backward compared to the modernity of other European countries, still had a late influence on the wardrobe, especially around the end of the century. This period coincides with the maximum expression of Spanish literary realism and naturalism, in which it is possible to look for interesting elements of the characters' costumes to understand the society of that time. In particular, this article aims to analyse the work of Benito Pérez Galdós published in 1876, "Doña Perfecta", in which a woman manages to become a chief of a country in the province of Spain. Her authority is demonstrated not only through her attitude, but also by her wardrobe: the use of sober and dark colours is reminiscent of men's suits, thus male over female authority. However, Perfecta is also a mother, and that adds value to her government and her decisions, which are also an allegory of the figure of the Virgin. The conclusion of the analysis of this novel finds us in the reflection in which fashion is not simply something superficial that changes according to the frivolous taste of women, but a mirror of the model of women that is imposed by men on women. This social sign is essential to understand how patriarchal society tried to obtain absolute power at the end of the 19th century and the way women react to this imposition.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Spanisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Pérez Galdós, Benito; Doña perfecta; Naturalismus; Literatur; Spanisch; Mode; Frauenkleidung



  4. "Doña Perfecta" : el traje de la autoridad y de la maternidad, la moda y el género en la novela naturalista española
    Erschienen: 18.11.2021

    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the... mehr


    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the development of capitalism during the nineteenth century in Europe a very different way of dressing was established for men and women, whose main trends came from France and England. Spain, which was economically and culturally backward compared to the modernity of other European countries, still had a late influence on the wardrobe, especially around the end of the century. This period coincides with the maximum expression of Spanish literary realism and naturalism, in which it is possible to look for interesting elements of the characters' costumes to understand the society of that time. In particular, this article aims to analyse the work of Benito Pérez Galdós published in 1876, "Doña Perfecta", in which a woman manages to become a chief of a country in the province of Spain. Her authority is demonstrated not only through her attitude, but also by her wardrobe: the use of sober and dark colours is reminiscent of men's suits, thus male over female authority. However, Perfecta is also a mother, and that adds value to her government and her decisions, which are also an allegory of the figure of the Virgin. The conclusion of the analysis of this novel finds us in the reflection in which fashion is not simply something superficial that changes according to the frivolous taste of women, but a mirror of the model of women that is imposed by men on women. This social sign is essential to understand how patriarchal society tried to obtain absolute power at the end of the 19th century and the way women react to this imposition.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Spanisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)



  5. "O gosto pelas coisas intelectuais tedescas" : o pensamento alemão na História da Literatura Brasileira de Sílvio Romero

    The Recife’s School was a Brazilian movement during the last quarter of the 19th century, whose main goals were to inform the Empire Court of provincial problems and introduce Brazil to ideas and theories of German philosophers. The first history of... mehr


    The Recife’s School was a Brazilian movement during the last quarter of the 19th century, whose main goals were to inform the Empire Court of provincial problems and introduce Brazil to ideas and theories of German philosophers. The first history of Brazilian literature was written in 1888 by Sílvio Romero and is considered part of this movement. According to this work, Brazil should be connected to German thought. Romero’s reception of the German authors is not passive; he engages in dialogue through his text by connecting, criticizing and elaborating upon his references. The autonomy of thought he proves in this process is the same autonomy he demands from Brazilian intellectualists. In order to develop the talents inherent to Brazil, he believes they should widen their cultural horizons, instead of only being dependent on French culture. Only then Brazil would be able to occupy a position equal amongst developed nations. Romero’s conception of race and his idea, that it is possible to include the totality of Brazilian literature in his work are both out of date. However, in the História da Literatura Brasileira there are methodological aspects in common with the modern theories on writing histories of literature, such as the choice of texts not only according to aesthetics criterions and the interdisciplinarity, because the author relates biology, sociology, economy, and politics with literature.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Literaturgeschichtsschreibung; Brasilien

