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  1. Le 'ṭarab' dans la littérature arabe classique et contemporaine

    Since antiquity, poetry and music in the Near East have been interrelated and were believed to have extraordinary powers. Both the context in which oral poetry is set, and the musically induced state of enchantment or ecstasy it produces, are defined... mehr


    Since antiquity, poetry and music in the Near East have been interrelated and were believed to have extraordinary powers. Both the context in which oral poetry is set, and the musically induced state of enchantment or ecstasy it produces, are defined in Arabic by the word 'ṭarab'. This article aims to provide an exhaustive definition of this concept, as well as a brief introduction to the artistic domain that encompasses extemporary performance of songs/poems, from the pre-Islamic period up until our modern era. Drawing on literary excerpts, the article attempts to highlight how music, literary performance and aesthetic emotion are amalgamated through the holistic experience of 'ṭarab', which has maintained its basic features virtually unchanged from the days of Ǧāhiliyya until the golden age of Umm Kulthum.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: fra
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1647-6; 978-3-8498-1391-8; 978-3-8498-1392-5
    DDC Klassifikation: Musik (780); Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Literaturen anderer Sprachen (890)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Arabische Musik; Arabisch; Literatur; Umm-Kulṯūm

