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Es wurden 35 Ergebnisse gefunden.

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  1. Individuelle Grenzerfahrung : zum Spannungsfeld zwischen Eigenem und Fremdem aus der Perspektive der Interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft
    Erschienen: 06.09.2018

    Through the influence of postcolonial studies one tried to cross borders by alleviating all kind of differences such as the experience of strangeness. However, these differences still exist as we can come to know in everyday life. Andrea Leskovec... mehr


    Through the influence of postcolonial studies one tried to cross borders by alleviating all kind of differences such as the experience of strangeness. However, these differences still exist as we can come to know in everyday life. Andrea Leskovec insists on this experience of strangeness as basis for her "Alternativer hermeneutischer Ansatz für eine interkulturell ausgerichtete Literaturwissenschaft" (2009, 2011) based on the ideas of Bernhard Waldenfels. This approach combined with Lösch' and Breinig' theory of transdifference permits a well-founded literary analysis in consideration of current experiences. The exemplary analysis of "Nur Gute kommt ins Himmel" by D. Rajčić provides a first insight into the range of this approach. This includes the terminology for describing phenomena of strangeness in literary textes such as the appropriateness of this approach considering the plurality and diversity of (literary) reality.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1249-2
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Interkulturalität; Differenz; Kulturelle Identität; Postkolonialismus; Fremdheit



  2. 'The Brothers Karamazov' as a Philosophical Proof : Wittgenstein Reading Dostoevsky
    Autor*in: Jankovic, Tea
    Erschienen: 13.09.2018

    Am 6. Juli 1916 notierte Ludwig Wittgenstein in seinem Tagebuch: "Und insofern hat wohl auch Dostojewskij recht, wenn er sagt, dass der, welcher glücklich ist, den Zweck des Daseins erfüllt." Diese Aussage ist eingebettet in Überlegungen zur... mehr


    Am 6. Juli 1916 notierte Ludwig Wittgenstein in seinem Tagebuch: "Und insofern hat wohl auch Dostojewskij recht, wenn er sagt, dass der, welcher glücklich ist, den Zweck des Daseins erfüllt." Diese Aussage ist eingebettet in Überlegungen zur Beziehung von Ethik und Ästhetik in seinem Tagebuch, die später in den 'Tractatus logicophilosophicus' einfliessen (ab Satz 6.42). Die Figur Dostojewskijs, die am explizitesten solche Sätze aussprach, wie den oben zitierten, ist der Starez Sosima aus den 'Brüdern Karamasow'. Wittgenstein hat diesen Roman so oft gelesen, dass er ihn nahezu auswendig konnte, insbesondere die Reden des Starez Sosima. Obwohl Wittgenstein darauf bestand, dass Ethik "unaussprechbar" ist, deutet er an, dass Literatur das gute Leben "zeigen" kann. Somit überschreitet er die Grenzen der frühen analytischen Philosophie, die sich an mathematischen Wissenschaften orientierte und sich möglichst von der Kunst abzugrenzen suchte.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1249-2
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Bratʹja Karamazovy; Brüder Karamasow; Dostoevskij, Fëdor Michajlovič; Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Ethik; Ästhetik



  3. Die Polypheme Homers und die Patagonier Pufendorfs : Barbarei und Völkerrecht bei Vico
    Autor*in: Albrecht, Tim
    Erschienen: 30.08.2018

    The article examines the role of the "natural law of nations" in Vico's philosophy of culture. The focal point of this inquiry is the notion of 'barbarism' in the New Science. While Vico's influential conception of the 'barbarism of reflection' has... mehr


    The article examines the role of the "natural law of nations" in Vico's philosophy of culture. The focal point of this inquiry is the notion of 'barbarism' in the New Science. While Vico's influential conception of the 'barbarism of reflection' has attracted a lot of attention, the multiplicity of tropes of barbarism in the New Science has not been sufficiently recognized. The article argues that while Vico takes civil law, the Roman ius gentium, as a model for his conception of culture, the trope of the warring barbarian figures prominently in key moments of his philosophy of history (e. g. in transitional moments between two historical ages) when issues of modern international law (asylum, declaration of war, piracy) are at stake.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1119-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Vico, Giambattista; Barbar <Motiv>; Kulturphilosophie; Völkerrecht; Klassische Philologie; Griechische Literatur; Naturrecht



  4. Die Herausforderung des Barbarischen in der Spätaufklärung : Volney als globaler Beobachter
    Erschienen: 30.08.2018

    The notion of the barbarian has been crucial in the development of the intellectual shifts spurred on by thinkers who shaped the culture of the Enlightenment. Asking what a barbarian might be had quite different meanings in the early 16th and in the... mehr


    The notion of the barbarian has been crucial in the development of the intellectual shifts spurred on by thinkers who shaped the culture of the Enlightenment. Asking what a barbarian might be had quite different meanings in the early 16th and in the late 18th century. An anthropological approach to the very different populations that had come to be known in Europe since the 16th century as well as the secularization of the historical vision contributed to the emergence of a more objectified connotation of barbarism. Among others, Montaigne, Montesquieu, Gibbon, Voltaire, d’Holbach commented extensively on barbarism as characterizing different stages in human civilization. Volney (Constantin-François de Chassebeuf, 1757-1820), who travelled to Egypt and Syria in the early 1780s, was familiar with the French works of the Enlightenment and applied their concepts of barbarism to the observation of the different Muslim populations he encountered. Later, after experiencing the turmoil of the French Revolution, he became interested in the United States. During his stay in America from 1795 to 1798, he investigated the American Indians who represented a different form of barbarism. Volney stands out as a thinker who knew the classics of the Enlightenment and who creatively compared theoretical speculations with his first-hand empirical observations.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1119-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Geschichte Europas (940)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Aufklärung; Volney, Constantin-François; Barbar <Motiv>; Zivilisation; Wildheit <Motiv>; Rationalität; Spätaufklärung



  5. Les barbares de Baudelaire : peinture, poésie et cosmopolitisme
    Erschienen: 30.08.2018

    For Baudelaire, the barbarian is a figure of predilection. At first, it is a literary character that he got acquainted with through the works of Chateaubriand and E. A. Poe. The barbarian is linked to poetry as well; he brings to mind the condition... mehr


    For Baudelaire, the barbarian is a figure of predilection. At first, it is a literary character that he got acquainted with through the works of Chateaubriand and E. A. Poe. The barbarian is linked to poetry as well; he brings to mind the condition of the exiled, the solitary figure far away from his homeland (such as in Delacroix's Ovid among the Scythians). But, most of all, the barbarian gives the opportunity to Baudelaire to refine his idea of Beauty: at the 1855 Universal Exhibition, he confronts himself for the first time to Chinese art – labelled "barbarian art" back then. Far from agreeing with this description, Baudelaire refutes it and forces himself to shift his critical perspective: his challenge will be to adapt himself, accommodate his taste and become "as barbarian" as the works he beholds in order to appreciate one of these "specimen of universal beauty". This reflexion shall continue in his essay, 'The Painter of Modern Life' (1863), in which he describes Constantin Guys' way of drawing as being moved by an "inevitable barbarousness". In this article, our aim will be to trace the evolution of Baudelaire's conception and different uses of the term "barbarian" through his aesthetical, poetical and literary writings.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: fra
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1119-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Literaturen romanischer Sprachen; Französische Literatur (840)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Baudelaire, Charles; Barbar <Motiv>; Le Peintre de la vie moderne; Schönheit

