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Es wurden 10 Ergebnisse gefunden.

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  1. Geschichtsdarstellung in der Gegenwartsliteratur : Florian Illies' Pop-Chronik der Welt von Gestern Representation of history in contemporary literature : Florian Illies's Pop-Chronicle of the Belle Epoque
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut

    Florian Illies' book "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. The Year before the Storm") has been a major success with critics and readers. Based on documented facts, the author tells a kind of cultural history of the last year before the Great... mehr


    Florian Illies' book "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. The Year before the Storm") has been a major success with critics and readers. Based on documented facts, the author tells a kind of cultural history of the last year before the Great War, formed by independent episodes from the lives of innumerable persons, mainly artists, writers and other celebrities. Using his imagination and techniques of fictional writing the text shows remarkable proximity to fiction although it does not invent characters or events. The article compares the book to other recent literary representations of history and analyses its narrative structure. It will be shown that the author chose a casual ironical style and an intimate perspective on the protagonists in order to entertain the reader with elements still relevant in our contemporary popular culture. It seems to be intended that the reader develops a kind of counterfactual fantasy that links his present directly to the Golden Age of art, omitting the catastrophes of 20th century. O livro "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. O verão do século") de Florian Illies foi um dos maiores sucessos recentes junto à crítica e os leitores. Baseado em fatos documentados o autor conta uma espécie de história cultural do último ano antes da Grande Guerra, formada por episódios independentes das vidas de inúmeras pessoas, sobretudo artistas, escritores e outros proeminentes. Usando sua imaginação e técnicas da escrita ficcional, o texto apresenta uma proximidade notável da ficção apesar de não inventar personagens e acontecimentos. O presente artigo compara o livro com outras representações literárias da história recentes e analisa sua estrutura narrativa. Será mostrado que o autor elegeu um estilo descontraído e irônico e uma perspectiva íntima sobre os protagonistas para entreter o leitor com elementos que ainda são relevantes na nossa cultura popular contemporânea. A intenção do autor, ao que parece, é fazer com que o leitor desenvolva uma espécie de fantasia contrafactual que o relacione diretamente com esse Século de Ouro da arte, pulando as catástrofes do século XX.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Illies, Florian; Historischer Roman; Popliteratur; Kulturgeschichte



  2. Selvagens e pactos demoníacos : observações sobre um conto de Wilhelm Raabe Savages and demonic pacts : observations on a narrative by Wilhelm Raabe
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut
    Erschienen: 24.07.2017

    A narrativa "Zum wilden Mann" (1874) de Wilhelm Raabe apresenta a história de uma farmácia na província alemã e do seu dono, observando os princípios estilísticos do realismo poético, a tendência literária dominante na segunda metade do século 19 nos... mehr


    A narrativa "Zum wilden Mann" (1874) de Wilhelm Raabe apresenta a história de uma farmácia na província alemã e do seu dono, observando os princípios estilísticos do realismo poético, a tendência literária dominante na segunda metade do século 19 nos países de língua alemã. A despeito da localização no mundo contemporâneo de Raabe e seus leitores, a trama e os protagonistas apresentam traços que remetem à esfera fantástica de pactos demoníacos e homens selvagens. Esses elementos interferem com a esfera realista das relações econômicas entre os protagonistas, baseadas- em empréstimos, juros e o comércio globalizado, e aludem aos aspectos inumanos dos negócios modernos. Divergente da prática cultural geral, Raabe atribui o "selvagem" e o "diabólico" às "conquistas" recentes da civilização que emergem de forma similar na Alemanha e nas antigas colônias. O Brasil traçado pela narrativa, em vez de ser um ambiente exótico, é apenas um outro cenário dos processos industriais e comerciais. The narrative "Zum wilden Mann" (1874) by Wilhelm Raabe presents the story of a pharmacy in provincial Germany and its owner; Raabe's story obeys the stylistic principles of Poetic Realism, the literary current that dominated the second half of the 19th century in German speaking countries. Despite being located in contemporary reality of the author and his readers, the plot and its main characters show features that refer to the fantastic realm of demonic pacts and wild men. These elements interfere with the realist economic relations between the protagonists, based on loans, interests, and globalized commerce and allude to the inhuman aspects of modern business. Divergent from main cultural practice, Raabe attributes the "savage" and the "diabolic" to the recent "achievements" of civilization which emerge likewise in Germany and in former colonies. The Brazil described by the narrative, instead of being an exotic setting, is just another stage of industrial and commercial processes.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Raabe, Wilhelm; Zum wilden Mann; Realismus



  3. Versuch über die Ökonomie der Schuld : das radikale Böse in der Darstellung von Holocausttätern ; das Beispiel von Peter Schneiders Vati Essay on the economy of guilt : the radical evil in the representation of Holocaust perpetrators ; the example of Peter Schneider’s Vati
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut
    Erschienen: 26.02.2018

    Dieser Artikel diskutiert die Frage von Schuld und Sühne im Fall von Massenmördern wie Josef Mengele. Die Abnormität des Verbrechens, so scheint es, erfordert Rache und nicht eine einfache Bestrafung im Einklang mit den Normen der Menschenrechte.... mehr


    Dieser Artikel diskutiert die Frage von Schuld und Sühne im Fall von Massenmördern wie Josef Mengele. Die Abnormität des Verbrechens, so scheint es, erfordert Rache und nicht eine einfache Bestrafung im Einklang mit den Normen der Menschenrechte. Analog zu diesen Vorüberlegungen kann fiktionale Literatur über das Thema, die das Bedürfnis der Leser nach Rache nicht erfüllt, nicht als gelungen angesehen werden. Diese These scheint bestätigt zu werden durch das Schicksal von Vati (1987), einer Erzählung von Peter Schneider, die das Treffen Josef Mengeles mit seinem Sohn in einem brasilianischen Versteck beschreibt. Hinsichtlich der Fakten, gestützt auf eine Serie von Artikeln über das tatsächliche Treffen, zeigt Schneider das psychologische Dilemma des Sohns, der sich unfähig fühlt, den Vater der Justiz auszuliefern oder ihn eigenhändig zu bestrafen; die fehlende Bestrafung des Täters scheint er durch eine Reihe von aggressiven Akten und Phantasien gegen andere Figuren zu kompensieren. Schneider hat versucht den negativen Effekt auf sein Publikum zu reduzieren, indem er statt des Erzählers in der ersten Person einen Er-Erzähler einführte. Dennoch zeigt die Rezeption des Buchs, dass es dem Autor nicht gelungen ist, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Schuld und Strafe zu finden, das die Öffentlichkeit hätte erwarten dürfen. This article discusses the question of guilt and penalty in the case of mass murderers as Josef Mengele. The abnormity of the crime, it seems, requires vengeance and not just a punishment restricted to the norms of human rights. In analogy to this assumption, fictional literature on this topic that does not satisfy the reader's desire for revenge, cannot be considered felicitous. The thesis is apparently confirmed by the fate of Vati (1987), a narrative by Peter Schneider which describes the encounter between Mengele and his son in his hideout in Brazil. Concerning the facts based on a series of articles upon the real event, Schneider shows the psychological dilemma of the son who feels unable to deliver his guilty father to the authorities or punish him by his own hands; his failure to punish the perpetrator seems to be compensated by aggressive acts and fantasies against other persons. Schneider has tried to reduce the effect on his audiences, changing the narrator from the first to the third person. Nevertheless, the reception of his book shows that the author did not achieve the proportion between guilt and punishment that would have been expected by the public.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Schneider, Peter; Vati; Nationalsozialismus <Motiv>; Mengele, Josef



  4. Nackter Amor - grimmige Fama : Selbststilisierung und freie Sexualität in den "Römischen Elegien" Goethes
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut
    Erschienen: 01.01.2013

    The whole of 24 poems belonging to the cycle of "Roman Elegies" may be seen as an attempt by Goethe to recover and reintegrate sexuality as a natural human function, a project authorized and shielded by the amatory elegy genre but opposed to the... mehr


    The whole of 24 poems belonging to the cycle of "Roman Elegies" may be seen as an attempt by Goethe to recover and reintegrate sexuality as a natural human function, a project authorized and shielded by the amatory elegy genre but opposed to the morality of his contemporaries. His aim was also to promote a public acceptance for his new way of living, which was commonly considered as immoral and consisted in the , illicit relationship with Christiane Vulpius. The original cycle gives more explicit clues about the intentions and ideas of Goethe than the 20 elegies which he published in 1795, but the censured version still permitted a change in the public opinion of Goethe. Pode-se entender o conjunto cornpleto de 24 poemas pertencentes ao ciclo das "Elegias Romanas" como uma tentativa de Goethe de conseguir uma reabilitaçãodo sexual, legitimada pelo gênero da poesia amorosa romana. Ao mesmo ternpo esse projeto poético serve para obter a aceitacão pública à sua nova forma de vida, o matrimônio não legalizado com Christiane Vulpius, considerado imoral pela maioria das pessoas em Weimar. O ciclo original de 24 poemas mostra mais claramentc as intencões e o pensamento do autor que as 20 elegias que ele publicou depois, mas até essa versão censurada permitiu a transformacão da imagem pública do poeta.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Römische Elegien; Erotische Lyrik Erotik <Motiv>; Priapos; Autorenbild; Öffentliche Meinung



  5. Zerstören oder Bewahren? : Umgang mit kulturellem Erbe bei Heinrich Böll und Erich Loest
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut

    The article describes and analyses the attitudes of ruling and opposing elites towards the cultural and architectural heritage as it is articulated in the novels of two prominent authors of the intellectual opposition in Western (Böll) and Eastern... mehr


    The article describes and analyses the attitudes of ruling and opposing elites towards the cultural and architectural heritage as it is articulated in the novels of two prominent authors of the intellectual opposition in Western (Böll) and Eastern Germany (Loest). Böll emphasizes the necessity of destroying cultural patrimony in order to recover its memorial function in the west, whereas Loest pleads for the resistance: against the official policy of destruction in the east. Preservation of historical monuments in both cases is seen in function of the interests of the living generation, not as a value in itself. O artigo descreve e analisa como dois importantes autores de oposição intelectual na Alemanha Ocidental (Böll) e Oriental (Loest) reconstroem, cada um para sua sociedade, as atitudes dominantes frente ao patrimônio cultural e arquitetônico. Em cada caso, as atitudes das elites do poder diferem daquelas dos opositores: Na RFA, o governo, em geral, preserva os monumentos, fingindo uma continuidade histórica; na RDA, o govemo destrói palácios e igrejas para romper com as tradições. Os autores simpatizam com os opositores: Böll, no oeste, enfatiza a necessidade de destruir o patrimônio cultural para recuperar a função memorativa da mesmo, enquanto Loest opta pela resistencia contra a política oficial da destrução no leste. A preservação de monumentos históricos é vista, em ambos os casos, em função das necessidades da geração atual, não corno valor em si mesmo.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Kollektives Gedächtnis; Denkmalpflege; Stadtplanung; Opposition; Böll, Heinrich; Loest, Erich

