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  1. Woran Übersetzer/innen auch denken sollten : zur Verständlichkeit beim Übersetzen am Beispiel eines Sachbuchs für Kinder
    Erschienen: 15.09.2020

    Translation is a complex activity which does not involve merely the translation of the given text from the source language to the target one, but also means observing many other aspects which need to be preserved in translation. What is more, every... mehr


    Translation is a complex activity which does not involve merely the translation of the given text from the source language to the target one, but also means observing many other aspects which need to be preserved in translation. What is more, every type of text has different requirements, depending on stylistic norms, cultural aspects etc. This paper focuses on popular science literature for children. In this area, the precision of the translation is not the sole criterion, but also the degree of equivalence in the comprehension of the source and target language texts plays a substantial role. Taking the example of a popular science book entitled "Tiere im Hohen Norden" by Hensel and Thiemeyer (1994) and its translation into Czech entitled "Severská zvířata", based on Göpferich's dimensions of comprehension, it is examined how the comprehension is preserved in the process of translation. Furthermore, it explores how and where modifications occur and their impact on the resulting translation.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); 491.8
    Schlagworte: Kindersachbuch; Deutsch; Übersetzung; Tschechisch; Textverstehen

