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  1. Effizienz- und Qualitätsmuster im rumänisch-deutschen Übersetzungsprozess

    Analizând contactul intercultural româno-german iniţiat pe calea traducerilor, prezentând momente istorice, biografice şi estetice de vârf, se supun analizei criteriile ce permit stabilirea unor paradigme calitative de structură, proces şi eficienţă.... mehr


    Analizând contactul intercultural româno-german iniţiat pe calea traducerilor, prezentând momente istorice, biografice şi estetice de vârf, se supun analizei criteriile ce permit stabilirea unor paradigme calitative de structură, proces şi eficienţă. La începutul traducerilor din literatura cultă pare-se că a stat şi Mihail Kogălniceanu cu a sa traducere din Asachi (“Odă către Italia”, apărută în 1837 la Berlin). Traduceri mult mai sistematice şi cu o mai largă răspândire în spaţiul european şi un ecou deosebit se datorează unor traducători ca Josef Marlin, Carmen Sylva, Hermann Roth, Alfred Margul-Sperber, Oskar Pastior, Dieter Roth, Werner Söllner, ale căror motivaţii, preferinţe, teoretizări şi rang se recontextualizează exemplificându-se astfel diferite stadii în istoria propagării literaturii române culte şi populare, subliniindu-se situaţia sociologică actuală de unicitate, datorităfaptului că în prezent trăiesc foarte mulţi potenţiali traducători de literatură română în spaţiul lingvistic german. Cel mai notabil succes de mijlocire literară se datorează în prezent lui Gerhardt Csejka din Frankfurt pe Main, care (traducând şi pentru reviste româneşti online) a devenit traducătorul fidel al autorului Mircea Cărtărescu. Analysing the Romanian-German intercultural contact initiated through translations, presenting important historical, biographical and esthetical moments, the criteria that allow the determination of some qualitative structural paradigms as well as of some efficiency paradigms are being analyzed.

    At the beginnings of the translations of high literature seems to have been Mihail Kogalniceanu as well, with his translation of Asachi (“Odă către Italia”, which appeared in Berlin in 1837). Much more systematic translations which had a broader spread in Europe and a great echo come from translators such as Josef Marlin, Carmen Sylva, Hermann Roth, Alfred Margul-Sperber, Oskar Pastior, Dieter Roth, Werner Söllner, whose motivations, preferences, theoretizations and rank are recontextualising themselves, thus different stages in the history of high and popular Romanian literature propagation being analyzed, whereas the actual present sociological situation is being delineated, because a lot of potential translators of Romanian literature live in the German linguistic space at present. The most notable success of literary translation comes from Gerhardt Csejka from Frankfurt on the Main who (translating for online Romanian journals as well) has become the loyal translator of the Romanian poet Mircea Cărtărescu.


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  2. Beispiel, Erfahrung, Theorie : Übersetzungswissenschaftliche Anmerkungen von Hermine Pilder-Klein

    The present article concentrates on the activity of Hermine Pilder-Klein as theoretician and translation critic. (Hermine Pilder-Klein: translator from Romanian to German of the second half of the 20th century carried out 80 translations from this... mehr


    The present article concentrates on the activity of Hermine Pilder-Klein as theoretician and translation critic. (Hermine Pilder-Klein: translator from Romanian to German of the second half of the 20th century carried out 80 translations from this cultural space in the period 1933-1972. Horst Schuller makes reference to 2 articles that are kept in the archive of the Museum of Gundelsheim: 1. a review of the volume Siebenbürgisch Sächsisches Wörterbuch (Transylvanian Saxon Dictionary) published in Bucharest. The review was published in the No. 4/1972 of the periodical Vierteljahresblätter in München; 2. a critical presentation of the volume Rumänische Volksmärchen (Romanian Folk Tales) edited by Ovidiu Bârlea and Felix Karlinger (the volume was published in 1969 in Düsseldorf/Köln: Eugen Diederichs Verlag), the work bearing the title Übersetzung-Schlüssel und Brücke (Translation – Key and Bridge) (1977), remained unpublished and was taken over by Horst Schuller in the present article.


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