Zusammenfassung: "Fear is the story of the twisted events leading up to his father's incarceration. It begins when Randolph and his family move into a new building and meet their neighbor, Dieter Tiberius, the peculiar yet seemingly friendly man...
Zusammenfassung: "Fear is the story of the twisted events leading up to his father's incarceration. It begins when Randolph and his family move into a new building and meet their neighbor, Dieter Tiberius, the peculiar yet seemingly friendly man living in the basement apartment. As the Tiefenthalers settle into their home, they become increasingly disturbed as Dieter's strange behaviour turns malevolent. Randolph unravels the tale of Dieter's harassment - the erotic letters he sends to Rebecca, his spying, his accusations of child abuse, and the police reports he files against the Tiefenthalers. Finally, Randolph confesses his own feelings of desperation and helplessness, which ultimately lead to his father's intervention."--(Provided by publisher.)