Part I: Introduction -- Theodore's secondary literature -- Theodore's exegetical method -- Examples of Theodore's exegetical method -- God's indwelling of good pleasure -- Theodore's understanding of hypostasis and prospon -- The functional unity of...
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Universität Freiburg, Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, Abteilung für Griechische Philologie und Abteilung für Lateinische Philologie der Antike und der Neuzeit, Bibliothek
Frei 75: G The 2125
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Part I: Introduction -- Theodore's secondary literature -- Theodore's exegetical method -- Examples of Theodore's exegetical method -- God's indwelling of good pleasure -- Theodore's understanding of hypostasis and prospon -- The functional unity of Christ's natures -- Assessment -- Part II: Texts -- General introduction to the texts -- In opposition to the allegorists -- Commentary on Psalm 8 -- Commentary on the creation of Adam and Ave -- Commentary on John's Gospel -- Commentary on Philippians 2:6-11 -- Selections from the commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians -- On the Incarnation -- In opposition to Apollinaris -- Catechetical homilies -- Conciliar anathemas
Part I: Introduction -- Theodore's secondary literature -- Theodore's exegetical method -- Examples of Theodore's exegetical method -- God's indwelling of good pleasure -- Theodore's understanding of hypostasis and prospon -- The functional unity of Christ's natures -- Assessment -- Part II: Texts -- General introduction to the texts -- In opposition to the allegorists -- Commentary on Psalm 8 -- Commentary on the creation of Adam and Ave -- Commentary on John's Gospel -- Commentary on Philippians 2:6-11 -- Selections from the commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians -- On the Incarnation -- In opposition to Apollinaris -- Catechetical homilies -- Conciliar anathemas