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7 short stories that Sagittarius will love
7 short stories that Taurus will love
7 short stories that Pisces will love
7 short stories that Gemini will love
7 short stories that Libra will love
7 short stories that Cancer will love
7 short stories that Capricorn will love
Two classic novels Aries will love
SPACE 2023
Das aktuelle Raumfahrt-Jahrbuch mit allen Starts -
7 short stories that Scorpio will love
7 short stories that Aquarius will love
Der weite Weg zurück nach Pleasant Valley
Der weite Weg zurück nach Pleasant Valley
Roman -
Roman -
Tutti i commenti a Marziano Capella
testo latino a fronte -
Glossae in Martianum
The mercurial disease
an inquiry into the history and nature of the disease, produced in the human constitution by the use of mercury ; with observations on its connection with the lues venerea -
Miscellaneous remarks on Mr. Clare's new method of applying mercury
In the ways of prevention and cure; with letters from several gentlemen of the faculty, recommending this practice, and assigning their reasons for preferring this to any other mode of administration -
A new and easy method of giving mercury, to those affected with the venereal disease
To which is annexed a new theory of the action of this metal on the salivary glands. Translated from the Latin of Joseph James Plenck, professor of surgery and midwifery, at Vienna. The second edition. To which is prefixed, A table, exhibiting, at one view, all the preparations of mercury, reduced under proper heads. With an appendix of remarks on Mr. Plenck; together with some experiments and observations which ascertain with more accuracy a steady and uniform method of giving his medicine; and a short and easy method of preparing the mercurius calcinatus. By William Saunders, M.D -
Observations on the operation and use of mercury in the venereal disease. By Andrew Duncan, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
A view of the science of life
on the principles established in the Elements of medicine, of the late celebrated John Brown, M.D., with an attempt to correct some important errors of that work ; and cases in illustration -
An inaugural dissertation on mercury
An inaugural dissertation on mercury
embracing its medical history, curative action and abuse in certain diseases -
Some experiments concerning mercury. By J.H. Boerhaave, professor of physick at Leyden. Translated from the Latin, communicated by the author to the Royal Society