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Es wurden 395 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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Secret memoirs of the new treaty of alliance with France
in which some of the first steps in that remarkable affair are discovered; with some characters of persons -
Some considerations humbly offer'd to the Right Reverend the Ld. Bp. of Salisbury
Occasion'd by His Lordship's speech, upon the first article of Dr. Sacheverell's impeachment. Wherein the new doctrine of resisting the supreme powers, as founded upon political principles, is carefully examin'd; and prov'd diametrically opposite to what his lordship has formerly asserted. By a Lay Hand -
The speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. made in Westminister-Hall, on Tuesday, March 7, 1709/10
The speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, March 7. 1709/10
[The] speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords in Westminster-Hall, March the 7th, 1709-10. Publish'd from a correct manuscript
A letter from Captain Tom to the Mobb, now rais'd for Dr. Sacheverel
The balance of the sanctuary: or, Sacheverell weigh'd and found light
A Compleat history of the late septennial Parliament. Wherein all their proceedings are particularly enquir'd into, and faithfully related; with proper remarks, and many secret memoirs interspers'd, concerning the late times
To which is prefix'd, honest advice to the freeholders of Great Britain -
An answer to the arguments in the Lord Bishop of Oxford's speech, on the impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, in favour of resisting the supreme power
Humbly offer'd to His Lordship's consideration in a letter from A.B -
The Bishop of Norwich his speech in the House of Lords March the 17th
At the opening of the second article of the impeachment against Dr. Sacheverell -
The Lord Bol------ke's epistolary canto to Dr. Sach----rell
Translated from the original French -
Aminadab: or The Quaker's vision, explained and answer'd paragraph by paragraph
The Bishop of Oxford his speech in the House of Lords on the first article of the impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell
Chuse which you please or, Dr. Sacheverell, and Mr. Hoadley, drawn to the life
Being a brief representation of the respective opinions of each party. In relation to passive obedience and non-resistance, the supream power, moderation, the toleration, hereditary right, and jure divino title, the abdication, the Queen's Supremacy, church lands, &c. By this brief account the reader may soon know which side to chase, in order to his becoming a true son of the Church, and Her Majesty's most loyal subject -
An exact list of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens and burgesses of the late Parliament, at the time of the Septennial Act
With their names distinguish'd who voted for and against the repealing the Triennial Act. Together [w]ith several speeches against the said bill, as they were spoken in the said House of Commons the 24th of April 1716; and the reasons given by the Lords who protested against the bill aforesaid. Also [se]veral speeches against continuing the army, as they were spoken in the House the 4th, 5th and 7th days of December 1717 -
[An] exact list of the Lords spiritual and temporal
With an alphabetical list of the counties, cities, and boroughs, with their representatives, p. 11. Of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the present Parliament, with their places [of] abode, &c. p. 19. And other proper distinctions. To which is added, a list of the peers of Scotland and Ireland -
The tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, befor the House of Peers, for high crimes and misdemeanors
Upon an impeachment by the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled, in the name of themselves, and of all the Commons of Great Britain: begun in Westminster-Hall the 27th day of February, 1709/10; and from thence continu'd by several adjournments until the 23d day of March following. Published by order of the House of Peers -
An Impartial account of what pass'd most remarkable in the last session of Parliament, relating to the case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell
Chuse which you please: or, Dr. Sacheverel, and Mr. Hoadley, drawn to the life
Being a brief representation of the respective opinions of each party. In relation to passive obedience and non-resistance, the supream power, moderation, the toleration, hereditary right, and jure divino title, the abdication, the Queen's supremacy, Church lands, &c. By this brief account the reader may soon know which side to chuse, in order to his becoming a true son of the Church, and Her Majesty's most loyal subject -
Or The Quaker's vision, explained and answer'd paragraph by paragraph. Enter'd in the Hall-Book according to order -
The save-alls: or, The bishops who voted for Dr. Sacheverell
A Collection of poems, &c
For and against Dr. Sacheverell, and on other affairs of state; most of them never before printed. The fourth part -
A true list of the lords spiritual and temporal: as also a list of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens and burgesses, chosen to serve in the Parliament of Great Britain, summoned to meet at Westminster the seventeenth of March, 1714. According to the returns made into the office of the clerk of the Crown in His Majesty's High Court of Chancery
An impartial examination of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's and Norwich's speeches at the opening of the second article of Dr. Sacheverell's impeachment
Wherein a very gross mistake committed by my Lord of Norwich, is justly reprehended. In two letters to their lordships -
A brief justification of the principles of a reputed whigg, together with some few remarks on Dr. Sach- - - - l's late sermon, on the 29th of May. In an epistle to the Tories of the West. By Francis Squire, rector of Exford, Somerset