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Es wurden 28 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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Datensatz Schwache Maskulina
Datensatz Genitiv- und von-Attribute
Datensatz Verschachtelte Genitivattribute
Datensatz Nominalphrasen
New opportunities for researching digital youth language: The NottDeuYTSch corpus
Datensatz Schwache Maskulina
Datensatz Nominalphrasen
Datensatz Verschachtelte Genitivattribute
Datensatz Genitiv- und von-Attribute
Datenmanagement – Gegenstand und Dienst der Computerlinguistik. 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. Stuttgart, Germany.
Datensatz attributive dass-Sätze und zu-Infinitive
Webtechnologien zur visuellen Darstellung von 3D-Objekten anhand von Datensätzen
Smart Graphics -
Implicitly abusive comparisons – a new dataset and linguistic analysis
Implicitly abusive language – What does it actually look like and why are we not getting there?
LRTwiki: enriching the likelihood ratio test with encyclopedic information for the extraction of relevant terms
Flexible UIMA components for information retrieval research
Knowledge sources for bridging resolution in multi-party dialog
Proceedings of the LREC 2022 Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-10 2022). Marseille, 20 June 2022
Beyond the stars: exploiting free-text user reviews to improve the accuracy of movie recommendations
Identifying implicitly abusive remarks about identity groups using a linguistically informed approach
Language matters. The European research infrastructure CLARIN, today and tomorrow
Show imperatives in smartphone-based showing sequences in Czech and German
Metadata formats for learner corpora: case study and discussion
RefCo and its checker: improving language documentation corpora’s reusability through a semi-automatic review process
A general lexicographic model for a typological variety of dictionaries in African languages ; 'n Algemene leksikografiese model vir 'n tipologiese verskeidenheid woordeboeke in Afrikatale