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A catalogue of the genuine, large and curious collection of models and marbles, in groupes, figures, busts, &c. As likewise the Italian, Flemish and other pictures of Mr. Peter Scheemaker, statuary
Which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Langford, at his house in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 10th and 11th of this instant March 1756. The said collection will be exhibited to publick view on Monday the 8th of this instant March, and every day after till the time of sale, which will begin each day punctually at twelve o'clock. Catalogues of which may be had gratis at Mr. Langford's, in the Great Piazza aforesaid. Conditions of sale as usual. Mr. Scheemaker begs leave to acquaint the nobility and gentry, that at Michaelmas next be shall remove to Isleworth fot the benefit of his health, and settle there, where he shall be at all times glad to be favour'd with their commands -
A catalogue of the genuine, large and curious collection of models, &c. of Mr. Michael Rysbrack, of Vere street, near Oxford Chapel, statuary
(Who is retiring from business:) consisting of great variety of figures, busts, boys, &c. by Fiamingo, Polydore, Bernini, Algardi, Rosconi, and others: as also, of several modelled by himself. Also some few lots of tables, vases, &c. of ¡gyptian, black and yellow; black and white, Spanish Dove, purple, and veined marble; and a monument of statuary and veined marble to fix against a wall. Which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Langford and Son, at their house in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Friday and Saturday the 24th and 25th of January 1766. The said collection may be viewed on Wednesday the 22d, and till the time of sale, which will begin each day punctually of twelve o'clock. Catalogues of which may be had gratis on the days of viewing at Mr. Langford's aforesaid. Conditions of sale as usual -
The Prices for the Kingsbridge marble, 1817
Marbrières de France
Marbles of Scotland
Marbres de rois
Ancient white marbles
analysis and identification by paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy -
Pétition relative à la loi des douanes de 1825
à messieurs les membres de la Chambre des Députés -
Observations in vindication of the authenticity of the Parian Chronicle
By Richard Gough, Esq. F.R. & A.S.S