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Richard Voß 1850–1918
Revoluzzer, Männerfreund, Bestsellerautor -
Richard Voß 1850-1918
Revoluzzer, Männerfreund, Bestsellerautor -
Der metaphysische Naturalismus E. G. Kolbenheyers
Europe et sciences modernes
histoire d'un engendrement mutuel -
La tradizione galileiana e lo sperimentalismo naturalistico d'età moderna
atti del seminario internazionale di studi ; Milano, 15-16 ottobre 2010 -
Theorie des Naturalismus
Richard Voß 1850–1918
Revoluzzer, Männerfreund, Bestsellerautor -
Von Giordano Bruno zu E. G. Kolbenheyer
Vortrag, gehalten im "Witiko-Bund" zu Regensburg am 28. Juni 1961 -
L'écriture critique : Enjeux politiques, littéraires, épistémologiques, et philosophiques de la critique de la langue de Fritz Mauthner ; Critical writing : Political, literary, epistemological and philosophical issues of Fritz Mauthner’s language critique
Humanism and the death of God
searching for the good after Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche -
Naturalism and realism in Kant's ethics
Victorian scientific naturalism
community, identity, continuity -
The age of scientific naturalism
Tyndall and his contemporaries -
Naturalism and unbelief in France, 1650-1729
Naturalism and philosophical anthropology
nature, life, and the human between transcendental and empirical perspectives -
Huxley's church and Maxwell's demon
from theistic science to naturalistic science -
How Successful is Naturalism?
Naturalismo e alessandrinismo nel Rinascimento
Le vivant et sa naturalisation
le problème du naturalisme en biologie chez Husserl et le jeune Merleau-Ponty -
Nietzsche's justice
naturalism in search of an ethics -
How Successful is Naturalism?
Mondo e anima
sviluppi del naturalismo da Bruno a Robinet -
Naturalistische Hermeneutik
Zwischen Naturalismus und Religion
Philosophische Aufsätze -
Phrenology and the origins of Victorian scientific naturalism