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Pragmatica sancion de S.M. en fuerza de ley, por la qual se prescribe el orden con que se ha de proceder contra los que causen bullicios, ò commociones populares
By the Quene
ryght trusty and welbeloued, we greete you well : we understande by sundry meanes, that where of late we ordered a proclamation to be published in certeyne counties vpon the sea costes for the licensyng of suche as reside in any portes of the sea -
A proclamacion, set furth by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of His Highnes moste honorable counsail, for the reformation of vagabondes, tellers of newes, sowers of sedicious rumours, players, and printers without license & diuers other disordred persons, the xxviii. day of April in the v. yere of His Highnes most prosperous reigne
A proclamation set furth by the Kinges Maiesty, with the aduise of his highnes most honorable privy counsail, concerning casters and senders abrode of slaunderous and sedicious billes, the xx. day of May the v. yere of his most prosperous reigne
The law relating to riots and unlawful assemblies
together with a view of the duties, powers and liabilities of magistrates, constables, the military and private citizens in the suppression thereof -
The law relating to riots and unlawful assemblies
together with a view of the duties and powers of magistrates, police officers, special constables, the military, and private individuals, for their suppression -
Kontrollierte Urbanität
Zur Neoliberalisierung städtischer Sicherheitspolitik -
Midd' ss
Ad general' quarteral' session' ... tent' pro com' praed' apud Hicks's-Hall in St. John's-street, in com' praed' per adjornament' die Veneris, scilicet Decimo die Julii, anno regni dom' & dom' nostr' Gulielmi & Mariae ... tertio; coram per honor ablili Roberto dom' Lucas, summo gubernatore turr' London -
By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank]
whereas I lately recommended to your care the strict execution of the laws for the due observance of the Lord's Day ... I therefore again press you to employ your care in that particular, but because there are also ... other great vices ... (such as drunkenness, common swearing and cursing, tipling and gaming) -
By the maior, to the alderman of the ward of [blank]
whereas divers good laws have formerly been made, and are still in force against several wicked and disorderly practices, which through the omission of the magistrate and officers concerned ... are openly and notoriously violated and broken within this city -
By the Kyng and the Quene
the Kyng and Quenes most excellente maiesties, vnderstandinge howe that dyuers naughty and insolent persons haue now of late attempted to make quarelles -
By the mayor, to the alderman of the ward of [blank]
whereas I have received a rule made yesterday by His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, whereby (upon great complaint made to the said court, that squibs and crackers are frequently thrown into coaches passing the streets of this city ...) -
By the mayor. To the alderman of the ward of [blank]
Whereas His Highness the Prince of Orange, hath been pleased to signifie to me this day, that divers persons (pretending themselves to be citizens of London) in a tumultuous and disorderly manner have lately disturbed the present convention of the Lords and Commons at Westminster