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By the King
a proclamation touching passengers -
A proclamation discharging all persons in the southern and western shires
to travel from one jurisdiction to another without a pass -
La mobilité des personnes en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à l'époque moderne
procédures de contrôle et documents d'identification ; [ce volume contient une partie des communications présentées lors de deux tables rondes, qui se sont tenues à Rome, ("Passages de Frontières", École Française de Rome, 8-9 mars 2002) et à Paris ("La Mobilié Négociée", École Normale Supérieure, 29-30 novembre 2002)] -
Act against run-awayes, masterlesse men, and those who travels without testimonials
At Edinburgh, the twentie day of August 1640 -
A proclamation touching passengers
Edinburgh, the seventh day of October, one thousand six hundred and sixty three
Whereas his Majesty ... finding that many seditious and turbulent persons, ministers and others in the Kingdom of Ireland ... were coming over, expecting shelter here -
Act of the Committee of Estates against run-awayes, and fugitive souldiers, and their resetters
Edinburgh, 11. Iuly, 1648 -
A proclamation for taking the oaths of masters of ships, boats, barks, and other vessels
outvvard or invvard bound into this kingdom, anent their passengers