Bosnien vor und nach 1914 : literarische Meilensteine zur wechselvollen Dolmetschkultur zwischen Krieg und Frieden ; Bosnia before and after 1914 : literary milestones in a changing culture of interpreting/translation between war and peace
This paper focuses on passages of interpreting/translation in four novels written by Bosnian novelists (Ivo Andrić, Dževad Karahasan, Saša Stanišić). It seeks to answer the following questions: How do the characters of the interpreters/translators...
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This paper focuses on passages of interpreting/translation in four novels written by Bosnian novelists (Ivo Andrić, Dževad Karahasan, Saša Stanišić). It seeks to answer the following questions: How do the characters of the interpreters/translators represent their cultural background? Does the immediate situation (e.g. a situation of threat or violence) influence their verbal behaviour? Is the literary description a metaphorical one in order to symbolize the inadequacy and even the failure of interpreting/translation? How do the interpreters/translators in the novels attempt to bridge the gap between different cultures?