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Es wurden 3 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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Pseudodoxia epidemica: or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truths
A description of the whole world
with some general rules touching the use of the globe, wherein is contained the situation of several countries. Their particular and distinct governments, religions, arms, and degrees of honour used among them. Very delightful to be read in so small a volume -
A vievv of the people of the vvhole vvorld, or, A short survey of their policies, dispositions, naturall deportments, complexions, ancient and moderne customes, manners, habits, and fashions
a worke every where adorned with philosophicall, morall and historicall observations on the occasions of their mutations & changes throughout all ages : for the readers greater delight, figures are annexed to most of the relations