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A codly [sic] form of householde gouernement
for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods word. VVherevnto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wifes dutie towards her husband. The parents dutie towards their children: and the childrens towards their parents. The masters dutie towards his seruants: and also the seruants dutie towards their masters. Gathered by R.C -
A godly forme of household government
for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods word. Wherevnto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wiues dutie towards her husband. The parents dutie towards their children: and the childrens towards their parents. The maisters dutie towards his seruants: and also the seruants dutie towards their maisters. Gathered by R.C -
A godlie forme of householde gouernment
for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wifes duty towards her husband. The parents duty towards their children: and the childrens towards their parents. The masters dutie towards his seruants: and also the seruants dutie towards their masters. Gathered by R.C -
A godlie forme of householde gouernment
for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wifes dutie towards her husband. The parents dutie towards their children: and the childrens towards their parents. The masters dutie towards his seruants: and also the seruants dutie towards their masters. Gathered by R.C -
A godly forme of houshold gouernment
for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods Word. Whereunto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife: and the wiues dutie towards her husband: the parents dutie towards their children; and the childrens towards their parents: the masters dutie towards his seruants; and also the seruants dutie towards their masters. First gathered by R.C. and now newly perused, amended, and augmented, by Iohn Dod and Robert Cleuer