Web 1T 5-gram, 10 European Languages Version 1 was created by Google, Inc. It consists of word n-grams and their observed frequency counts for ten European languages: Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish. The length of the n-grams ranges from unigrams (single words) to five-grams. The n-gram counts were generated from approximately one hundred billion word tokens of text for each language, or approximately one trillion total tokens. The n-grams were extracted from publicly-accessible web pages from October 2008 to December 2008. This data set contains only n-grams that appeared at least 40 times in the processed sentences. Less frequent n-grams were discarded. While the aim was to identify and collect pages from the specific target languages only, it is likely that some text from other languages may be in the final data. This dataset will be useful for statistical language modeling, including machine translation, speech recognition and other uses. *Data* The input encoding of documents was automatically detected, and all text was converted to UTF8. The following table contains statistics for the entire release. File sizes (entire corpus): approximately 27.9 GB compressed (bzip2) text files Total number of tokens: 1,306,807,412,486 Total number of sentences: 150,727,365,731 Total number of unigrams: 95,998,281 Total number of bigrams: 646,439,858 Total number of trigrams: 1,312,972,925 Total number of fourgrams: 1,396,154,236 Total number of fivegrams: 1,149,361,413 Total number of n-grams: 4,600,926,713