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The Soveraignty of kings, or, An absolute answer and confutation of that groundlesse vindication of Psalme 105. 15., touch not mine annoynted and doe my prophets no harme, from some traiterous exposition of schismaticks
declaring to the world that this was spoken principally and peculiarly of kings and not of inferious subjects being spoken of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as they were patriarks and rulers of the people : also some doubts and scruples of tender consciences concerning these times of distraction, fully resolved &c -
A letter from a scholler in Oxford-shire to his unkle a merchant in Broadstreet
upon occasion of a book intituled, A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and published under His Majesties name, Decemb. 8. intended against an ordinance of Parliament for assessing &c -
The Soveraignty of kings: or An absolute answer and confutation of that groundlesse vindication of Psalme 105. 15. (Touch not mine annoynted, and doe my prophets no harme) from some traiterous exposition of schismaticks
declaring to the world, that this was spoken principally and peculiarly of kings, and not of inferiour subjects, being spoken of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as they were patriarks and rulers of the people. Also some doubts and scruples of tender consciences concerning these times of distraction, fully resolved, &c