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Es wurden 327 Ergebnisse gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 bis 125 von 327.
Sprache, Technik, Kybernetik
Aufsätze zur Sprachwissenschaft, maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung, künstlichen Intelligenz und Computerkunst -
NETL, a system for representing and using real-world knowledge
The articulate computer
Introduction to artificial intelligence
Natural language processing
a knowledge-engineering approach -
Machine tractable dictionaries
design and construction -
Machine tractable dictionaries
design and construction -
Intelligent multimedia information retrieval
Die Elektrifizierung der Sprache
über Sprechen, Schreiben, Computer, Gehirne und Geist -
a computer model of integrated processing for narrative comprehension -
Introduction to artificial intelligence
Getting computers to talk like you and me
discourse context, focus, and semantics ; (an ATN model) -
Qualitative process theory using linguistic variables
Statistical language learning
Artificial intelligence and heuristic programming
Mind, language, machine
artificial intelligence in the poststructuralist age -
The international directory of artificial intelligence companies
Systemic text generation as problem solving
Current issues in parsing technology
Computer analysis of visual textures
Logical foundations of artificial intelligence
Paging behavior of knowledge networks
Expert systems, fifth generation and UK suppliers
Computation of language
an essay on syntax, semantics and pragmatics in natural man-machine communication -
User models in dialog systems