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The Case of the wooll-combers of London, and parts adjacent. Most humbly offer'd to the Honourable House of Commons
Sir Peter Frazier of Doors bart. appelnt. Isabell Sandilands alias Black, Esq; respnt. The respondent's case
List of pensioners, continued by the honourable the executive, for the year 1801, to be paid out of the revenue for that year
List of pensioners for the year 1787
List of pensioners paid by the state of Virginia, for the year 1791
The Lords protests upon the bill sent from the House of Commons
For disabling pensioners from sitting or voting in the House -
A copy of the charter granted to the mayor, bayliffs, and burgesses, of the borough of New-Windsor, in the 16th year of the reign of His Majesty Charles II. 1664
To which are prefixed, copies of grants from King William and Queen Mary, King William III. and Queen Anne; with copies of the pettions upon which the two latter were granted -
A list of the pensions on the civil establishment on the 21st of January 1791
With the respective dates of the grants, and the respective terms for which the same have been granted; and the names of the persons for whose use any pension is granted in trust -
Mr. Parsons speech in the House of Commons, the fifth of March, 1790, on the pension bill
Case of the Wells election, 1765
Supplément historique et essentiel à L'état nominatif des pensions sur le trésor royal
imprimé par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale -
Le livre rouge, ou, Liste des pensions secrettes, sur le Trésor public
contenant les noms & qualités des pensionnaires, l'état de leurs services, & des observations sur les motifs qui leur ont mérité leur traitement -
Observations de M. Necker, sur le premier rapport du Comité des pensions
Réponse au supplément historique et essentiel à l'état nominatif des pensions sur le Trésor-royal
avec le caractere des ministres qui ont dirigé les finances depuis la derniere guerre de l'Amérique -
Le livre rouge, ou, Liste des pensions secretes sur le trésor public
contenant les noms & qualités des pensionnaires, l'état de leurs services, & des observations sur les motifs qui leur ont mérité leur traitement -
A bill for raising and establishing a fund for a provision for the widows and children of the ministers of the Church of Scotland
and of the heads, principals, and masters, of the universities of Saint Andrews, Glasgow, and Edinburgh -
Réflexions d'une Société de patriotes, sur le rapport fait à l'Assemblée nationale concernant le paiement des rentes et pensions
List of acceders to the Excise Incorporation at twenty-fourth June 1779
and of the annuitants inrolled upon it -
The Lords protest, on the treaty of peace, union, and friendship, between Great Britain, France, and Spain; concluded at Seville, on the 9th of November last. Die Martis 27° Januarii 1729
Das allgemeine österreichische Civil- Pensions- und Provisions-System
Three words on the pension list
Kurze und allgemein fassliche Darstellung der Hauptgrundsätze und Berechnungen bey Wittwen- Waisen- Leibrenten- auch Sterbepfennings-Cassen
Tontinen und ähnlichen Instituten -
Des pensions de retraite sur la caisse de vétérance
A plan for meliorating the condition of man
by creating in every nation a national fund, to pay to every person when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds, and also, ten pounds sterling, per annum, during life, to every person now living of the age of 50 or 60 years, and to all others, when they shalt arrive at that age, to enable them to live in old age, without wretchedness, and go decently out of the world -
The extraordinary red book
an account of all places, pensions, sinecures, grants, &c., the expenditure of the civil list, the finances and debt of Great Britain