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Bemerkungen gegen die Beschlüsse der deutschen Reichsversammlung über Flüsse, Canäle und Seen und über Eisenbahnen
Will Mr. Labouchere's navigation measure pass the House of Lords?
in a letter to a protectionist peer -
Statistics of the Scotch iron trade
A series of maritime and mercantile tables
illustrative of the shipping as connected with the trade and commerce of Great Britain, especially as relates to those nations with whom we have reciprocity treaties -
Statements and documents relative to the establishment of steam navigation in the Pacific
with copies of decrees of the governments of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, granting exclusive privileges to the undertaking -
Observations, addressed to the shipping, the agricultural, and the commercial interests
on the impolicy of the free trade system pursued by His Majesty's ministers -
Tal om sjö-fartens nytta och förmÅn för riket
i synnerhet dÅ den drifves med hembyggde och utur egne hamnar utrustade skepp -
Observations on the actual or constructive delivery of merchandise
with reference to the principal and factor act, on the course of business under the dock system, and on the lien for freight, under the clause in the warehousing act -
Navigation laws
speech of the Right Hon. W. Huskisson in the House of Commons, Friday, the 12th of May, 1826, on the present state of the shipping interest -
The laws & constitutions of the master, wardens, & commonalty of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames
Ueber den Einfluss der schifffahrts- und Handels-Convention zwischen England und den Zollvereinsstaaten vom 2ten März 1841
auf die preussische Schifffahrt sowohl, als auf die Schifffahrt der Staaten an der Elbe, Weser, Ems und Maas -
Tal, om nyttan af segelfarter igenom torra land och berg
hället för Kongl. Vetenskaps academien, vid præsidii nedläggande, den 4 november 1769 -
Die Vortheile derer Preussischen Staaten zum einträglichen Handel, sonderlich zur see
Storia del commercio e della navigazione
dal principio del mondo sino a'giorni nostri -
Every merchant not his own ship-builder
addressed to the proprietors of India stock -
Brief van een koopman te Amsterdam, aan zijn vriend te Rotterdam
behelzende eenige wel beredeneerde en met gronden beweezene critiquen, over het laatste request het welke de kooplieden, assuradeurs en reedeers van scheepen der stad Rotterdam, aan haare Hoog Mogenden overgegeven hebben -
Eenige weinige vragen door een oud regent aan zyne lands-genooten voorgestelt
A Bill for confining, for a time to be limited, the trade between the ports of the United States of America, and His Majesty's subjects in the island of Newfoundland
to bread, flour, and live stock, to be imported in none but British-built ships, actually belonging to British subjects, and navigated according to law, clearing out from the ports of His Majesty's European dominions, and furnished with a licence according to the form hereunto annexed -
The late measures of the ship-owners in the coal-trade
fully examined in a letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt -
The late measures of the ship-owners in the coal-trade
fully examined, in a letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt -
To the reasons which have been already offered
in the case relating to the parliamentary application for the employment and increase of British shipping and British navigation, it may not be improper to add a few more observations, in order to shew, that neither the trade of the nation will be lessened, nor the freights enhanced on exportation or importation, by the limitations proposed to be applied for -
Fair state of the case between the East India Company, and the owners of ships now in their service
to which are added considerations on Mr. Brough's pamphlet, concerning the East India Comapny's shipping -
Replique a l'auteur du Pour et contre
Vanderlandsch kabinet; van koophandel, zeevaart, landbouw, fabrijken, enz
rehelzende eene verzameling van verhandelingen, de uitbreiding en verbetering der gemelde vaderlandsche welvaart-bronnen ten doel hebbende -
Ships and railways