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Whether parish congregations be true Christian churches
and the capable consenting incumbents, be truly their pastors, or bishops over their flocks ... : written by Richard Baxter as an explication of some passages in his former writings, especially his Treatise of episcopacy, misunderstood and misapplied by some, and answering the strongest objections of some of them, especially a book called, Mr. Baxters judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish assemblies, as by law required, and another called, A theological dialogue, or, Catholick communion once more defended, upon mens necessitating importunity -
The poor man's family book
in plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner : with forms of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayer for various uses, and some Psalms and hymns for the Lords day : with a request to landlords and rich men to give to their tenants and poor neighbours either this or some fitter book -
[The divine Life <dt.>] Das göttliche Leben, abgefasset in 3 Teilen ... Anfänglich in d. engeländ. Sprache beschrieben von Richard Baxter. Nunmehr aber ... verteutschet durch J. D.
[], Die Beschreibung der Ursachen und der Belohnung eines mit Gott wandelnden Glaubigen. -
[The divine Life <dt.>] Das göttliche Leben, abgefasset in 3 Teilen ... Anfänglich in d. engeländ. Sprache beschrieben von Richard Baxter. Nunmehr aber ... verteutschet durch J. D.
[], Eines Christen Wandel mit Gott. -
Das Hausbuch der Armen
Worinn angewiesen wird 1. wie man ein auffrichtiger Christ werden soll. 2. Wie ein auffrichtiger Christ gegen Gott ... leben soll. ... -
Die Ewige Ruhe Der Heiligen. Oder eine Beschreibung des Glückseligen Zustandes der Heiligen in der Gemeinschafft mit Gott nach diesem Leben
Die Ewige Ruhe Der Heiligen. Oder eine Beschreibung des Glückseligen Zustandes der Heiligen in der Gemeinschafft mit Gott nach diesem Leben
[1] -
Die Ewige Ruhe Der Heiligen. Oder eine Beschreibung des Glückseligen Zustandes der Heiligen in der Gemeinschafft mit Gott nach diesem Leben
2 -
Die Ewige Ruhe Der Heiligen. Oder eine Beschreibung des Glückseligen Zustandes der Heiligen in der Gemeinschafft mit Gott nach diesem Leben
3 -
Die Ewige Ruhe Der Heiligen. Oder eine Beschreibung des Glückseligen Zustandes der Heiligen in der Gemeinschafft mit Gott nach diesem Leben
4 -
Das Hausbuch der Armen
Worinn angewiesen wird 1. wie man ein auffrichtiger Christ werden soll. 2. Wie ein auffrichtiger Christ gegen Gott ... leben soll. ... -
Das Hausbuch der Armen
Worinn angewiesen wird 1. wie man ein auffrichtiger Christ werden soll. 2. Wie ein auffrichtiger Christ gegen Gott ... leben soll. ... -
Catholick communion defended against both extreams: and unnecessary division confuted, by reasons against both the active and passive ways of separation
occasioned by the racks and reproaches of one sort, and the impatience and censoriousness of the other; and the erroneous, tho confident writings of both. And written in compassion of a distracted, self-tearing people, tho with little hope of any great success. In three parts: I. A survey of the unreasonable defender of Dr. Stillingfleet, for separation, pretending to oppose it. II. Reasons of the authors censured communion with the parish-churches. III. The reasons why Dr. J.O's. twelve arguments change not his judgment. By Richard Baxter, a lover of love and peace; and by defending them, displeasing those that labour to destroy them -
Schism detected in both extreams, or, Two sorts of sinful separation
the first part detecteth the schismatical principles of a resolver of three cases about church-communion, the second part confuteth the separation pleaded for in a book famed to be written by Mr. Raphson -
Catholick communion doubly defended by Dr. Owens, vindicator, and Richard Baxter
and the state of that communion opened, and the questions discussed, whether there be any displeasure at sin, or repentance for it in Heaven : with a parallel of the case of using a faulty translation of Scripture, and a faulty lyturgy -
Catholick communion defended against both extreams, and unnecessary division confuted
in five parts -
Catholick communion defended
in two parts : I. reasons of the authors censured communion with the parish-churches, II. the reasons why Dr. J.O.s twelve arguments change not his judgment -
The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, of the nature of true religion, the causes of its corruption, and the churches calamity by mens additions and violences
with the desired cure : in three discourses -
Invisibles, realities, demonstrated in the holy life and triumphant death of Mr. John Janeway, fellow of Kings College in Cambridge
Mr. Baxter's judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish-assemblies, as by law required, impartially stated and proposed