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Es wurden 123 Ergebnisse gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 25 von 123.
Theorizing German romance
the excursus on Enite's horse and saddle in Hartmann von Aue's "Erec" -
The Arthur of the Germans [Rezension]
German literature of the High Middle Ages
Walther von der Vogelweide
the medieval German love lyrics -
Hartmann von Aue as lyricist
Simon, Ralf: Einführung in die strukturalistische Poetik des mittelalterlichen Romans [Rezension]
"Wâfenâ, wie hat mich minne gelâzen!"
on "Gewalt" and its manifestations in the medieval German love lyric -
Adventure as social performance
a study of the German court epic -
Positionen des Romans im späten Mittelalter [Rezension]
Art of arms
studies of aggression and dominance in medieval German court poetry -
A companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's "Tristan"
Gilmour, Simon Julian: Daz sint noch ungelogeniu wort [Rezension]
Beat Wolf, Vademecum medievale [Rezension]
Performances of love
Tristan and Isolde at court -
A companion to Wolfram's Parzival
Adventures in interpretation
the works of Hartmann von Aue and their critical reception -
Heiko Fiedler-Rauer, Arthurische Verhandlungen [Rezension]
Westphal-Wihl, Sarah: Textual poetics of Germanic manuscripts, 1300 - 1500 [Rezension]
"Daz prîset in, und sleht er mich"
knighthood and "Gewalt" in the Arthurian works of Hartmann von Aue und Wolfram von Eschenbach -
Moriz von Craûn [Rezension]
Adventures in interpretation
the works of Hartmann von Aue and their critical reception -
Art of arms
studies of aggression and dominance in medieval German court poetry -
A companion to Wolfram's "Parzival"
Adventure as social performance
a study of the German court epic