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Es wurden 5 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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The vvorlde possessed with deuils
conteinyng three dialogues. 1. Of the Deuill let loose. 2. Of blacke deuils. 3. Of white deuils. And of the commyng of Iesus Christe to iudgement, a verie necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous daies -
The second part of the demoniacke vvorlde, or worlde possessed with diuels
conteining three dialogues: 1. Of familiar diuels. 2. Of lunaticke diuels. 3. Of the coniuring of diuels -
The second part of the demoniacke vvorlde, or worlde possessed with diuels
conteining three dialogues: 1. Of familiar diuels. 2. Of lunaticke diuels. 3. Of the coniuring of diuels -
The worlde possessed with deuils
conteyning three dialogues, 1. Of the deuill let loose, 2. Of blacke deuils, 3. Of vvhite deuils : and of the comminge of Iesus Christ to iudgment, a very necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous dayes -
The second part of the Demoniacke vvorlde, or worlde possessed with diuels
conteining three dialogues, 1. Of familiar diuels, 2. Of lunaticke diuels, 3. Of the coniuring of diuels