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Zacheus conuerted: or, The rich publicans [brace] repentance. Restitution
In which, the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion, are sweetly laid open and applyed for the establishing of the weakest. Also of riches in their getting, keeping, expending; with diuers things abou[t] almes and restitution, and many other materiall points [an]d cases insisted [upon] -
The litle garden of our B. Lady. Or, diuers practicall exercises in her honour. Written in Latin, by the R. Father Francis de la Croix, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English
Zacheus converted: or The rich publicans repentance. Restitution
In which, the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion, are sweetly laid open and applyed for the establishing of the weakest. Also of riches in their getting, keeping, expending; with divers things about almes and restitution, and many other materiall points and cases insisted upon. By Iohn Wilson, late preacher of Gods word in Guilford