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Ad Tractationem De Ministrorum Evangelii Gradibus, Ab Hadriano Saravia Belga editam
Armilla aurea
id est, theologiæ descriptio mirandam feriem causarum & salutis & damnationis iuxta verbum Dei proponens: eius synopsim continet annexa tabula -
The Bible
that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Olde and Newe Testament -
A golden chaine, or the description of theologie
containing the order of the causes of saluation and damnation, according to Gods word. A view whereof, is to be seene in the table annexed. Written in Latine, and translated by R.H. Hereunto is adioyned the order vvhich M. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting afflicted consciences -
In Historiam Passionis Et Sepulturae Domini Nostri Iesu Christi. Homiliae
(Examen teologicum. ^[Ausz. ^<dt.>]) Calvinus redivivus. Das ist: Zwinglij, Calvini, Beze, Amlingi, Peuckeri, Pezelij, ^etc. eigendliche meinung von etlichen, furnemen streittigen Religions Artickeln und Sprüchen der heiligen Schrifft, mit jren eigenen worten, on alle verbitterung und verfelschung dargethan. Durch Nicolaum Selneccerum, aus seinem Examine teologico verdeutschet, durch Paulum Heidenreich.
Sermons sur l'histoire de la passion et sépulture de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ
Ad Tractationem De Ministrorum Evangelii Gradibus, Ab Hadriano Saravia Belga editam
Apologia pro justificatione adversus Lescalium
Apologia pro iustificatione per unius christi viva fide apprehensi iustitiam gratis imputatam. Adversus anonymi scriptoris tractatum, clàm nuper ab Antonio quodam Lescalio editum & publicè postea impudentissimè sparsum
A golden chaine, or The description of theologie
containing the order of the causes of saluation and damnation, according to Gods woord. A view of the order wherof, is to be seene in the table annexed. Written in Latine by William Perkins, and translated by an other. Hereunto is adioyned the order which M. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting troubled consciences -
Armilla aurea
id est, theologiæ descriptio mirandam seriem causarum & salutis & damnationis juxta verbum Dei proponens: eius synopsim continet annexa tabula. Editio tertia recognita & aucta. Accesit practica Th. Bezæ pro consolandis afflictis conscientiis