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A supplement to the statues at large, beginning with the seventh and eighth years of the reign of King William III
And continued to the end of the last session of Parliament, March 14. 1704. in the fourth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Anne. Carefully examined by the rolls of Parliament. With an alphabetical table -
The reports and arguments of that learned judge, Sir John Vaughan, Kt. late lord chief justice of the Court of Common-Pleas
Being all of them special cases; and many wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole Court of Common-Pleas, at the time he was chief justice there. Published by his son, Edward Vaughan Esq; carefully corrected from the errors of the former impression; with many additional references in this second edition -
Anna Dei gratia, Magnæ Britaniæ, Franciæ Hyberniæ regina, fideiq, defensor, &c
Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos presentes literæ nostræ pervenerint, salutem; quandoquidem nos considerantes immense commodum omnibus nostris subditis, per arctiorem & completiorem unionem regnorum nostrorum Scotiæ & Angliæ oriundum -
Her Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the third day of December, 1706
Her Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the third day of Decemb. 1706
The minutes of the proceedings of the Lord Commissioners for the Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland; the treaty for which began on the sixteenth day of April, 1706. And was concluded the twenty second day of July following
A bill for the better regulating the practice of surgery in and about the City of London and Westminster
and the better Providing Her Majesties Fleet and Army with Skilful and Able Surgeons -
An abstract of the proofs and vouchers upon which Colonel Rice obtain'd an Act of Parliament for debentures to be given him for the principal money due to him after fifteen years sollicitation, ... Report from the committee to whom Col. Rice's petition was referred
Instructions for supervisors relating to the duties on malt
An abstract of the charter granted by His late Majesty King Charles the Second (of ever blessed memory) for erecting a corporation for relief of poor widows and children of clergy-men
dated July 1, 1678 -
Anna Dei gratia, Magnæ Britaniæ, Franciæ & Hyberniæ regina, fideiq, defensor, &c
Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos presentes literæ nostræ pervenerint, salutem; quandoquidem nos considerantes immense commodum omnibus nostris subditis, per arctiorem & completiorem unionem regnorum nostrorum Scotiæ & Angliæ oriundum -
By the Queen, a proclamation, for a publick thanksgiving
By the Queen, a proclamation, for a publick thanksgiving
By the Queen, a proclamation, for the putting in execution the laws in force against such persons as have or shall endeavour to pervert Her Majesties subjects to the popish religion
By the Queen, a proclamation, for the putting in execution an act of parliament for the encouragement and encrease of seamen
and for the better and speedier manning Her Majesties fleet, and also for the encouragement of seamen and able-bodied landmen, voluntarily to enter themselves in Her Majesties sea-service -
By the Queen, a proclamation, for a general fast
By the Queen, a proclamation, for a general fast
By the Queen, a proclamation. Anne R. Whereas our Parliament stands prorogued to the two and twentieth day of this instant October, ...
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled
presented to Her Majesty. With Her Majesties most gracious answer -
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled
presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the Fifth Day of December, 1706. With Her Majesties most gracious answer -
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled
presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of December, 1706. With Her Majesty's most Gracious answer: And what was said by His Grace the Duke of Marlborough on that Occasion -
The humble address of the ... Lords ... Presented to Her Majesty on Tuesday the seventeenth day of December, 1706. With Her Majesties most gracious answer
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal
and Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Twelfth Day of March, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto -
The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal
And Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Eleventh Day of March, 1706. With Her Majesties most gracious Answer -
The case of the Lord Marshal of England
with proofs of his right to go by the sword of state, in all solemnities: which his lordship conceives himself obliged to assert