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A publication of His Maties edict, and severe censure against priuate combats and combatants
whether within his Highnesse dominions, or without; with their seconds, accomplices, and adhærents: straitly charging all officers, and other his Maties subiects, to vse no conniuencie, or remisse proceeding toward such offenders: for the necessary and timely preuention of those heauy euents, whereunto aswell kingdomes, as worthy families become obnoxious, by the odious and enormous impieties ineuitably subsequent thereupon -
By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome into any His Maiesties dominions
By the King, a proclamation containing His Maiesties royall pleasure, for the warrant and continuance of the patent, and former proclamation concerning farthing tokens
By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the Merchant Aduenturers charter from henceforth to be put in practise or execution, either within the kingdome, or beyond the seas
By the King. A proclamation against the transporting of vvoollen yarne, &c
By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the exportation of sheepe, woolls, wool-fells, and fullers earth
By the King. A proclamation commanding the repaire of noblemen and gentlemen into their seuerall countreys, at the end of the terme
By the King. A proclamation concerning the bringing in of whale-finnes into his Maiesties dominions, &c
By the King. A proclamation against the exportation of clothes, vndyed and vndressed contrary to law
By the King. The complaints lately exhibited vnto vs by certaine noblemen, and others of our kingdome of Ireland ...
By the King. A proclamation conteining the Kings Maiesties pleasure concerning the apprehension of the Greames
By the King. A proclamation against priuate challenges and combats
vvith articles annexed for the better directions to be vsed therein, and for the more iudiciall proceeding against offenders -
Isaaci Casavboni De Rebvs Sacris Et Ecclesiasticis Exercitationes XVI. Ad Cardinalis Baronii Prolegomena in Annales, & primam eorum partem, de Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Natiuitate, Vita, Paßione, Assumtione
By the King
Whereas it doth manifestly appeare vnto us, that sithence the publicke declaration of our royal intention and purpose, to summon and hold a Parliament in that our realme of Ireland, certain titularie popish archbiships, bishops, deanes, vicars generall, Jesuits, friers, seminarie priests and other priests ordeined by forraine authoritie, being harboured and reliued by diuers of our subiects there haue employed all their wit and malice, to animate such persons as be seduced by them, to embrace the superstition of the church of Rome -
By the King
A proclamation against exportation of gold and siluer. It hath pleased almightie God to blesse this our kingdome with a rare and rich dowrie of natiue commodities, both by sea and land; with the exportation and procedure whereof, treasure of gold and siluer may from time to time bee brought in and increased -
By the King
Whereas it doth manifestly appeare vnto Us, that sithence the publicke declaration of our royal intention and purpose, to summon and hold a Parliament in that our realme of Ireland, certain titularie popish archbiships, bishops, deanes, vicars generall, jesuits, friers, seminarie priests and other priests ordeined by foraine authoritie, being harboured and reliued by divers of our subiects -
By the King
a proclamation against exportation of gold and siluer -
By the King
a proclamation containing His Maiesties royall pleasure, for the warrant and continuance of the patent, and former proclamation concerning farthing tokens -
By the King. A proclamation against priuate challenges and combats
vvith articles annexed for the better directions to be vsed therein, and for the more iudiciall proceeding against offenders -
[Letters from James I and his Council to the government of Ireland]
By the King, a proclamation conteyning His Maiesties royall pleasure
concerning the proiect of dying and dressing of broad cloathes within the kingdome, before they be exported -
By the King, a proclamation for the continuance of His Maiesties farthing tokens
A pvblication of His Maties edict, and severe censvre against priuate combats and combatants
whether within his Highnesse dominions, or without; with their seconds, accomplices, and adhærents: straitly charging all officers, and other his Maties subiects, to vse no conniuencie, or remisse proceeding toward such offenders: for the necessary and timely preuention of those heauy euents, whereunto aswell kingdomes, as worthy families become obnoxious, by the odious and enormous impieties ineuitably subsequent thereupon