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Es wurden 6 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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A sermon on the parable of the sower
taken out of the 13. of Matthew -
A sermon on the parable of the sower, taken out of the 13. of Mathew. Preached at London by M. G. Gifford, and published at the request of sundry godly and vvell disposed persons
A catechisme conteining the summe of Christian religion, giuing a most excellent light to all those that seek to enter the path-way to saluation: Newlie set foorth by G.G. Preacher of Gods word at Malden in Essex
A briefe discourse of certaine pointes of the religion which is among the commo[n] sort of Christians, which may bee termed the countrie diuinitie
with a manifest confutation of the same, after the order of a dialogue -
A dialogue betweene a papist and a Protestant
applied to the capacitie of the vnlearned -
A godlie, zealous, and profitable sermon, vpon the second chapter. of S. Iames. Preached at London, by M. George Gifford, and published at the request of sundry godlye and well disposed persons