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Lasino Doro Di Nicolo Macchiavelli, Con Tvtte Laltre Sve Operette
The arte of warre, written in Italian by Nicholas Machiauel, and set foorth in English by Peter Withorne, studient at Graies Inne: with other like martiall feates and experiments, as in a table in the ende of the booke may appeare
The Arte of warre
Comedia -
Comedia -
Most briefe tables to knovv redily hovv manie ranckes of footemen armed with corslettes, as vnarmed, go to the making of a iust battaile
from an hundred vnto twentie thousand. Next a very easie, and approued way to arme a battaile with harkabuzers, and winges of horsemen according to the vse at these daies. Newlie increased, and largelie amplified both in the tables, as in the declarations of the same, by the aucthour himselfe. Girolamo Cataneo Nouarese. Tourned out of Italian into English by H.G -
Lasino doro di Nicolo Macchiauelli
con tutte laltre sue operette. La contenenza delle quali hauerai nella seguente facciata -
Nicolai Macchiavelli Floren. Disputationum de Repvblica, quas Discursus nuncupauit, Libri III
Quomodo quaeq[ue] ad Antiquorum Romanorum imitationem bene maléue instituantur ac fiant ; Ex Italico Latinè facti