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Es wurden 1187 Ergebnisse gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 76 bis 100 von 1187.
Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere
Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels: of euery Sonday/ and holy daye in the yere
The greate abbrydgement of all [the] statutes of Englande
untyll the .xxx yere of the reygne of our moste drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour, reuerence, and ioyfull contynuaunce of his prosperous raygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of thys hys realme. Amen. Cum privilegio regali -
The supper of the Lorde
after the true meanyng of the sixte of Iohn and the. xi. of the fyrst Epistle to the Corhinthia[n]s, whervnto is added an epistle to the reader, and incidently in the exposition of the supper: is co[n]futed the letter of master More against Iohn Fryth -
A proclamation published vnder the name of Iames King of Great Britanny. With a briefe & moderate answere therunto. Whereto are added the penall statutes, made in the same kingdome, against Catholikes. Togeather with a letter which sheweth the said Catholikes piety: and diuers aduertisements also, for better vndersatnding of the whole matter. Translated out of Latin into English
Anno XXIIII Henrici VIII
actis made in the session of this present Parlyamente, holden vppon prorogacion at Westminster, the iiii. daie of Februarie, in the xxiiii. yere of the reygne of our moste dradde soueraygne lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght, and there continued and kepte tyll the vii. daie of Aprill then next ensuinge, to the honour of God and holy church, and for the common weale and profyte of this his realme -
The abregeme[n]t of the statutes made i[n] the Parlyament holden in the xxvii & xxviii yere of Henry the viij
Anno XXVI Henrici VIII
actes made in the session of this present Parlyament, holden vpon prorogation at Westm̃, the III daye of Noueb̃re, in the XXVI yere of the reygne of our mooste drad soueraigne lorde Kynge Henry the VIII, and there continued and kepte tyll the XVIII day of Deceb̃er next insuynge, to the honour of God, and for the cõmon weale and profite of this realme -
Here begynneth the pystles and gospels of euery Sonday and holy daye in the yere
The Newe Testament both in Latine and Englyshe
eche correspondente to the other after the vulgare text, communely called S. Jeromes -
The newe testamente
both Latine and Englyshe ech correspondent to the other after the vulgare texte, communely called S. Ieroms. Faythfully translated by Myles Couerdale. Anno. M.CCCCC.XXXVIII -
The abregement of statutes made in the parlyame[n]t holde[n] i[n] the .xxiiii and .xxv. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry the viij
The newe testament
both in Latine and Englyshe eche correspondente to the other after the vulgare texte, communely called S. Ieromes. Faythfullye translated by Iohan Hollybushe. Anno. M.CCCCC.XXXVIII -
The boke for a justyce of peace
neuer so wel and dylygently set forthe -
Paruus libellus continens formam multarum rerum
prout patet in kalendario in fine in contento -
The exposition of the fyrste, seconde, and thyrde canonical epistles of S. Jhon wyth a prologe before it
The supper of the Lorde
After the true meaning of the sixte of John and the .xi. of the fyrst epistle to the Corinthia[n]s, wherunto is added an epystle to the reader. And incidently in the expositio[n] of the supper: is co[n]futed the letter of master More agaynst John Fryth -
Lytleton tenures in Englysshe
Lyttilton tenures truely translated into Englysshe. An. M.D.XXXVIII
The abregemente of the statut[es] made in the .xxvij. [and] .xxviij. yere of the reygne of kyng Henry the eyghte
The kynges most royall maiestie being enfourmed
Constantini Cæsaris selectarum præceptionum de agricultura libri viginti
An historical journal of the American war, 1765-1784
Loffice et auctoryte des iustyces de peas
co[m]pyle et extrayte hors des auncie[n]t liures sibien del comen ley co[mm]e dez estatut[es] oue moultes aut[er]s choses necessaries a scauoir nouelment imprime -
An exposycyon after the maner of a co[n]templacyon upon the .li. Psalme called Miserere mei De[us] whiche Hierom of Ferrarye made at the latter ende of hys dayes.
= Expositio ac meditatio in Psalmū Miserere mei, fratris Hieronymi de Ferraria, quam i vitimis vite sue edidit