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Es wurden 15 Ergebnisse gefunden.

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 5 von 15.


  1. Königin oder Dirne? : zur Darstellung der böhmischen Königin Kunigunde von Halitsch bei Franz Grillparzer und František Zavřel Queen or whore? : on the depiction of the Queen of Bohemia Kunigunda of Galicia by Franz Grillparzer and František Zavřel

    Kunigunda of Galicia, the second wife of the Bohemian King Otokar II and later the second wife of the powerful nobleman Záviš of Falkenstein, suffers from a very poor reputation due to her depiction in medieval chronicles, especially the Styrian... mehr


    Kunigunda of Galicia, the second wife of the Bohemian King Otokar II and later the second wife of the powerful nobleman Záviš of Falkenstein, suffers from a very poor reputation due to her depiction in medieval chronicles, especially the Styrian Rhymed Chronicle written by Ottokar aus der Gaal. Her image as a domineering and morally dubious figure is also echoed in Franz Grillparzer's play "König Ottokars Glück und Ende", which draws partly on the Styrian chronicle as source material. This study attempts to answer the question of what role Kunigunda plays in Grillparzer's drama, and whether she genuinely deserves to be known as a "whore" – a designation which was applied to her immediately after the play's premiere. Grillparzer's version of Kunigunda is also compared with her depiction in the tragedy "Král Přemysl Otakar Druhý" by František Zavřel.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Grillparzer, Franz; König Ottokars Glück und Ende



  2. Wartburg, Wartburgfest, "Wartburg-Zeit" : Richard Wagners "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg", die Bildmetapher "Wartburg" und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der deutschen (Literatur-)Geschichte Wagnerův "Tannhäuser a zápas pěvců na Wartburgu", metafora "Wartburg" a moţnosti jejího uţití v německých (literárních) dějinách Wagner's "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg", the metaphor "Wartburg" and the possibilities for its use in German (literary) history

    Hrad Wartburg v Durynsku je jedním z nejvýznamnějších památníků německé kultury. Jeho jméno je spojeno s dějinami minnesangu stejně jako s historií německé reformace. Ve Wagnerově opeře 'Tannhäuser' se však tento hrad stává především symbolem,... mehr


    Hrad Wartburg v Durynsku je jedním z nejvýznamnějších památníků německé kultury. Jeho jméno je spojeno s dějinami minnesangu stejně jako s historií německé reformace. Ve Wagnerově opeře 'Tannhäuser' se však tento hrad stává především symbolem, metaforou, za níţ se skrývá tradiční německá "Kultura" (tak jak ji definoval např. Thomas Mann ve svých 'Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen'). Novější německé dějiny znají hned několik epoch, v nichţ hrály hodnoty reprezentované wagnerovským Wartburgem významnou roli – wilhelmovská "Druhá" stejně jako – ještě radikálněji – Hitlerova "Třetí říše". Cílem tohoto příspěvku je objasnit na příkladu německé literatury, jak "wartburské" tyto doby byly a jak reálné je zrcadlo, které Wagner se svým 'Tannhäuserem' nastavil (německému) světu. Wartburg castle in Thuringia is one of the most important sites in German culture. Its name is linked with the history of Minnesang and the German Reformation. In Wagner's opera 'Tannhäuser', however, the castle functions primarily as a symbol, a metaphor, representing traditional German "Culture" (as defined by Thomas Mann in his 'Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen'). Modern German history included two eras in which the values represented by the Wagnerian Wartburg played a key role: the "Second Reich" of Wilhelm II and the even more radical "Third Reich" of Hitler. This paper discusses, using German literary examples, how 'Wartburgian' these eras were, and how realistic was the mirror held up by Wagner to the (German) world in his 'Tannhäuser'.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Wartburg; Wagner, Richard / Tannhäuser



  3. Hamlet oder Die lange Wartburg-Nacht nimmt kein Ende : die westdeutsche Literaturlandschaft der Nachkriegs- und frühen Adenauer-Zeit aus der Sicht des Re-Emigranten Alfred Döblin Hamlet or The long night at Wartburg never ends : The literary scene in West Germany in the immediate post-war period and during the first Adenauer years as viewed by the re-emigrant Alfred Döblin

    The theme of Wagner's opera 'Tannhäuser' is the conflict between the artist and society, between nonconformism and servility to the dictates of a regime, with all its dogmas and taboos. This theme remains real and 'modern' to this day, and it has... mehr


    The theme of Wagner's opera 'Tannhäuser' is the conflict between the artist and society, between nonconformism and servility to the dictates of a regime, with all its dogmas and taboos. This theme remains real and 'modern' to this day, and it has been acted out several times in German history. 'Truth fanatics' – artists, academics and intellectuals – have repeatedly been ostracized, boycotted or mocked. One such figure was Alfred Döblin, nowadays a half-forgotten novelist who returned to post-war Germany after several years of exile to participate in the country's spiritual regeneration. Döblin's novel 'Hamlet oder Die lange Nacht nimmt ein Ende' – begun during the writer's Hollywood exile – can be viewed as a work of 'Trauerarbeit' – a way of dealing with the Nazi past. This paper examines the questions asked by Döblin and the problems he faced in the nascent Federal Republic of Germany, using his 'Hamlet' as a source of illustrative examples. Wagner's 'Tannhäuser' – a work to which Döblin was strongly drawn – serves as a framework.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
  4. Deutsch als Sprache der Privilegierten : zur literarischen Darstellung der deutsch-tschechischen Kontroversen unter Přemysl Otakar II. am Beispiel von Franz Grillparzer und Nina Bonhardová German as the language of the privileged : on the literary depiction of Czech-German conflicts during the reign of the Přemyslid King Otakar II in the works of Franz Grillparzer and Nina Bonhardová

    The Přemyslid King Otakar II is one of the most prominent figures in Czech (and Central European) history. However, he is also a highly controversial figure, primarily due to his unflagging support for the German-speaking communities on his... mehr


    The Přemyslid King Otakar II is one of the most prominent figures in Czech (and Central European) history. However, he is also a highly controversial figure, primarily due to his unflagging support for the German-speaking communities on his territory, which figures such as František Palacký considered to be excessive. The theme of German medieval colonization and Czech/German coexistence naturally appears in literary works dealing with Otakar's life. The Austrian dramatist Franz Grillparzer's play "König Ottokars Glück und Ende" is no exception. The topic of German colonization is relatively peripheral within the work, however the brief scene featuring the King and the burghers of Prague (who protest at Prague Castle against the expulsion of the Czechs and the settlement of Germans in their place) so incensed the Czech literary scene that the work has still not yet been translated into Czech. This article aims to analyze the scene in question, comparing Grillparzer's drama with the novel "Královský úděl" by the Czech author Nina Bonhardová.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Sprachpolitik; Otakar <II., Böhmen, König>; Deutsch; Tschechisch; Grillparzer, Franz / König Ottokars Glück und Ende



  5. Der Sängerkrieg auf der Wartburg und dessen Bearbeitung durch Richard Wagner und Robert Löhr The singing contest at the Wartburg and its depiction by Richard Wagner and Robert Löhr : a comparison

    Wartburg castle is associated not only with Luther's German translation of the Bible, but also with the legendary singing contest that is said to have taken place there in the early 13th century. Although today it is impossible to tell whether this... mehr


    Wartburg castle is associated not only with Luther's German translation of the Bible, but also with the legendary singing contest that is said to have taken place there in the early 13th century. Although today it is impossible to tell whether this was a real event or merely a legend, the contest became a popular basis for literary treatments. The "classic" version of the story was presented in the 19th century by Richard Wagner in his opera "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg", while the most recent version of the story dates from 2012: Robert Löhr's novel "Krieg der Sänger". Because Löhr's version was almost immediately compared with Wagner's, the aim of this study is to analyze the two works and draw conclusions from such a comparison. Which sources did both authors work with, and how? Were they primarily concerned with a historically accurate depiction of events, entertaining the reader or audience, or communicating some deeper thoughts? In what light are the main hero and his competitors presented? What do Wagner and Löhr have in common, and how do they differ?


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Wagner, Richard / Tannhäuser; Löhr, Robert

